This Beautiful European City Just Earned the Title of the Most Walkable Destination in the World

Here’s why Florence, Italy should be your next destination

Renee Hannes
She Travels With a Latte


bridge in florence with colourful buildings banked on river
Photo taken by Author: Renee Hannes of

Ah, Florence.

The very name conjures images of Michelangelo’s David, Brunelleschi’s dome piercing the Tuscan sky, and the timeless elegance of the Ponte Vecchio.

But Florence isn’t just about the sights, it’s about the feeling. And the best way to capture that feeling? By embracing its walkability.

When Insider Monkey recently crowned Florence the most walkable city in the world, I wasn’t surprised. Using a system that considered things like landmark proximity, air quality, and safety, they crowned Florence the champion. Florence’s charm lies in its compact layout, with major landmarks located within a cozy 0.5-mile radius.

Let me tell you, after spending a delightful few days exploring the city on foot, I couldn’t agree more.

Join me on a self-guided walking tour through the heart of Florence, where we’ll explore five iconic attractions: the Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Piazza del Duomo, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Lace-up your walking shoes; Florence awaits.

Start: Uffizi Gallery

Our walking tour begins at the Uffizi Gallery, an art lover’s paradise. As you enter, the gallery’s corridors lead you through a collection of Renaissance masterpieces, including works by Botticelli, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci. The atmosphere inside is serene, with soft natural light filtering through large windows, illuminating the artwork in a way that feels almost spiritual.

From Uffizi Gallery to Ponte Vecchio (0.2 miles, 4 minutes)

river with bridge and buildings in florence
Photo taken by Author: Renee Hannes of

Exiting the Uffizi, take a left and stroll along Via dei Georgofili, heading towards the Arno River. The air is filled with the aroma of fresh espresso and the chatter of lively cafes. In just a few minutes, you’ll reach the Ponte Vecchio, Florence’s oldest and most iconic bridge. Spanning the Arno with its unique medieval structure, this bridge is lined with goldsmith shops, a tradition that dates back to the 16th century. Take a moment to peek into the glittering windows, or simply stand on the bridge and admire the view of the River Arno, the lifeblood of Florence.

From Ponte Vecchio to Piazza della Signoria (0.3 miles, 6 minutes)

Continue your journey by heading northeast on Via Por Santa Maria. This bustling street leads you directly to Piazza della Signoria, the political heart of Florence. The square is a grand open space, framed by the imposing Palazzo Vecchio, the city’s town hall. Here, the Loggia dei Lanzi serves as an open-air museum, displaying impressive sculptures such as Cellini’s “Perseus with the Head of Medusa.” The square is vibrant, with people constantly coming and going.

From Piazza della Signoria to Piazza del Duomo (0.3 miles, 6 minutes)

dome in Florence with white, green and red marble
Photo taken by Author: Renee Hannes of

Next, walk north along Via dei Calzaiuoli, a lively pedestrian street lined with boutiques and gelaterias. The scent of freshly baked pastries and the sight of colourful window displays make this part of the walk absolutely delightful. In no time, you’ll find yourself at Piazza del Duomo. This square is a feast for the eyes, dominated by the majestic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, with its terracotta-tiled dome designed by Brunelleschi, and Giotto’s Campanile, a striking bell tower.

Final Destination: Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

grand cathedral in florence with slabs of green, white and pink marble
Photo taken by Author: Renee Hannes of

Our final stop is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, affectionately known as the Duomo. This Gothic masterpiece dominates the skyline, its terracotta-tiled dome a landmark that’s visible from almost anywhere in the city. Take a moment to soak it in — the intricate facade of marble panels in shades of green, pink and white, and the sheer scale.

Step inside to admire the vast interior and the stunning frescoes of the Last Judgment by Vasari and Zuccari. Climbing to the top of the dome offers a panoramic view of Florence, a rewarding end to our walking tour.

Final Thoughts

two bridges over river with colourful buildings lining the edge
Photo taken by Author: Renee Hannes of

The beauty of Florence lies not just in its landmarks but in the journey between them. It’s about getting lost in the maze of narrow streets, stumbling upon hidden piazzas, and soaking in the atmosphere of a city that breathes history.

Grab a gelato and people-watch in a sun-drenched piazza. Go to a vibrant market like Sant’Ambrogio, where the scent of fresh produce mingles with the lively chatter of the locals. Wander along the Arno at sunset, watching the golden light paint the city in warm hues.

Florence is a city to be savoured, step by slow step. Ditch the map, and let yourself get swept away by the magic of this most walkable city. You never know what hidden gems await you just around the corner.

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