Shea HulseThe 3 Things That Boosted My Mood and Health InstantlyAfter both of my children, I realized I was getting old.Jun 22, 20223Jun 22, 20223
Shea HulseHow to Make Moon Water for the Full Moon June 2021 Strawberry MoonAnd other things you can do to manifest during this powerful time.Jun 14, 20221Jun 14, 20221
Shea HulseI Stumbled Across A New Way to Promote My Medium Articles!Because writing is great, but if no one reads it, you’ll never make a living from it.Jun 13, 20224Jun 13, 20224
Shea HulseWhy Romance Books Are the Best (For Your Business Not Just Because I Love Them)Hint: There are many different kinds of romance books and lots of readers!Feb 4, 20221Feb 4, 20221
Shea HulseWhy You Should Declutter This Year For Your Mental Health!Declutter to improve your mental health and stay safe?Dec 31, 20212Dec 31, 20212
Shea Hulse3 Tips to Help You Spend Christmas Your WayBecause it’s your Christmas too!Dec 17, 20211Dec 17, 20211
Shea Hulse5 Emotional Self-Care Tips for the Holidays Before You Lose Your CoolEmotional Self-care tips are important year-round! But especially during the holidays.Dec 10, 20211Dec 10, 20211
Shea HulseA Must-Read Inspirational Book: The Choice by Dr. Edith EgerThe inspirational book of the year for me.Dec 3, 2021Dec 3, 2021
Shea HulseLet’s Talk About Being Thankful And How It Positively Impacts Your LifeAs the saying goes, ‘You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone’. Be thankful for your life today, even if it doesn’t look like you thought…Nov 19, 2021Nov 19, 2021
Shea HulseHow is A Scarcity Mindset Keeping You Stuck in A Negative Cycle?My scarcity mindset will keep me broke forever if I let it.Nov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021