2019 is Yesterday, 2020 is Tomorrow!

Nnubia Ogbuefi
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog
2 min readDec 31, 2019
2019 is Yesterday, Tomorrow is 2020

Vision2020 is just a few hours away. It is the beginning of a new decade and a new year. It is the moment we make resolutions and promises to be a badass! đź’Ş đź’Ş

But…before the clock chimes midnight :alarm_clock:, we will like to reflect briefly on our past. The awesomeness of 2019, the missed opportunities, and the goals we achieved.

Today, She Code Africa (SCA) reflects on its achievements and accomplishments.

Today, we are looking back at how:

  1. We surpassed our community membership target hitting 1027 community members and 6102 social media fans.
  2. We rebranded in April 2019 and welcomed 30+ core team members to help build the team internally, consisting of program coordinators, Tech support, Design, community managers and Facilitators.
  3. We organized a series of technical events offline including SCA React Ladies Bootcamps and Code Literacy Day.
  4. We introduced more online campaigns and initiatives with incentives/prizes to impact more women who couldn’t participate physically at some of our events:
    — SCA Mentoring program (with over 170 applicants)
    — SCA 20 Days of Code
    — SCA Slack and Tweet chats
    — SCA Trivia weekends
  5. While our focus is on Africa, we grew member base in these African countries and beyond:
    — Nigeria,
    — Ghana,
    — Kenya,
    — Uganda,
    — Ethiopia,
    — Cameroon,
    — Zimbabwe,
    — South Africa,
    — Egypt,
    — Germany,
    — America,
    — Canada.

Here’s a Twitter thread we also put up to summarize our 2019 in numbers:

“Tomorrow”, we will look forward to:

  1. Launching our official website and partnering with more sponsors.
  2. Organizing more technical events and Tech conferences targeted at women in tech across Africa.
  3. Expanding to more anglophone and francophone regions in Africa with new members
  4. …and so much more!

Watch this space in 2020 as we get ready to blow your mind!

Special appreciation goes to YOU! đź’ž

Your efforts and contributions made S.C.A possible. We appreciate the tweets, retweets, likes, shout outs, the turn ups, questions, comments, criticisms, disappointments, and shared commitments. Y’all are our Rock stars and our support!

We’re thankful and look forward to breaking more milestones with you and impacting more African women in tech in 2020! Here’s to “an Africa where women are equally represented across all career roles and levels in technology!!”

Together, Let’s make 2020 remarkable! 🍷 🔥

