5 Tools for Effective Project Management

Olamide 'Pearl' Makinde
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog
4 min readMar 14, 2023
a black lady with blonde hair holding up documents with a laptop on her table.
Image by Alexander Suhorucov via Pexels.com

A Project Manager (PM) is responsible for coordinating a team to meet set goals and targets within a defined scope, timeline, and budget. They are to ensure that both the stakeholders and team are on the same page and that there’s no disparity.

Project management is a lot of work! There are many phases and components of managing a project: planning, execution, monitoring, managing deadlines, communicating with the team, etc.

In this fast-paced and continually-evolving world, doing project management duties manually would lead to burnout, inability to meet deadlines, and misalignment, especially when managing multiple projects. Hence, a project manager needs to employ the use of tools that have been created to make tasks seamlessly achievable.

Using the available tools and technologies will help to structure and organize your project management activities and improve both your and your team’s productivity and growth. This article outlines 5 tools for effective project management and how you can use them to ease your work processes.

1. Budgeting & Invoicing Tools

One of the main roles of a project manager is to ensure proper and efficient allotment of resources and execute the project within budget. Imagine having to allocate funds and track expenses by hand, using a pen and paper. That would leave room for mistakes and mishandling of funds. See some tools to help with budgeting and invoicing below:

  • Google Sheets or MS Excel
  • Clockify: Clockify is a time-tracking app to measure work hours across projects. You can set hourly rates, billable and non-billable hours. This would in turn aid your invoicing and billing.

2. Communication Tools

PMs need to stay on top of recent happenings and track conversations or disseminate information to members and stakeholders. Effective communication is a huge deal in project management. Hence, PMs need to engage tools that ease communication, enabling seamless interactions, update and file sharing, and real-time collaboration.

Some of the popular collaboration tools are listed below:

3. Documentation

As a PM, you’ll do a lot of writing: PRDs, project plans, project charters, communication plans, meeting notes, etc. You need to do away with scribbling on paper or trying to cram important information. It’s best to document using tools that enable you to see version history and share the said documents seamlessly. Google Docs, Dropbox, and Notion are excellent options for this purpose.

4. Scheduling Tools

For a Project Manager, it’s not enough to finish a project within budget and scope, it must also be completed during the agreed timeline. Scheduling tools help to assign timelines to tasks and track them.

Google Calendar

You can use Google Calendar to set reminders for meetings, projects, tasks, or deadlines. It saves you the time you’d have used to send manual reminders for people to join meetings or turn in a task/update.

However, it’s quite tasking to keep up with Google Calendar. It doesn’t show which project timelines are dependent on each other. It could also be confusing to keep up with the task details, sub-tasks, or attachments. That’s where Gantt Charts come in.

Gantt Charts

Gantt charts are important for timeline management. A Gantt chart shows different tasks to be completed, the assigned timeline, and potential schedule conflicts. It shows which task is dependent on another and how it affects the timeline.

What’s best is the fact that it provides a visual representation with horizontal bars, making it easier to spot conflicts, strategize, and improve planning. Its importance, especially to teams working remotely, cannot be overstated.

Here are MS Excel and Google Sheets templates to help you create your Gantt Chart.

5. Project/Task Management Tools

With these tools, you can see real-time progress updates: which tasks are being worked on, which ones have been done, or which ones are still pending. You can see who has been assigned to which task, and you know exactly who to reach out to when you need something improved.

These tools aid the effective management of projects, enabling task tracking, collaboration, and progress reports. Some of them are Asana, Jira, Trello, etc.


In conclusion, project management is a complex process that requires various tools and techniques for effective management. As a Project Manager, carefully evaluate your project requirements and select the tools that best suit their needs. By using the right tools, Project Managers can ensure that their projects are completed successfully within the given timeline and budget.

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Olamide 'Pearl' Makinde
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog

I kinda just like to rant here + I write tech stuff sometimes. I love hearing my readers’ thoughts; we can have a convo in the comment section, twitter, or IG.