Digital Transformation and Strategies by Foluso Gbadamosi @FoofG

Nnubia Ogbuefi
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog
3 min readSep 17, 2019

Yippee 💃 💃

It’s time for our #SCATweetChat series and our guest is Foluso Gbadamosi (@FoofG), We will be discussing the topic “DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND STRATEGIES”.

Tweet Chat with Foluso Gbadamosi

SCA: Hello @FoofG. We’re excited to have you here 😊 😊
Please, introduce yourself. tell what you do and fun facts about you.

Foluso: Hi, my name is Foluso Gbadamosi. I am Business/Tech Executive, I am a full-fledged extrovert and love hanging out with people.

SCA: Interesting 😊 😊
Let’s get started with the topic for today ‘Digital Transformation and Strategies’.
What does digital transformation mean?

Foluso: It is the integration of digital technology in all areas of life. It changes how you operate, whether at work or in your personal life for the better (hopefully).

SCA: What are the main areas of digital transformation?

Foluso: The main areas depend on you, so do you want to apply it to your job, business, personal life. It ranges from — Personal — Business National/Government.

SCA: How do digital transformation projects get started?

Foluso: Ideally, they should be started based on the Company’s strategy/direction. Digital Transformation projects are never in isolation of people, so it depends on what the company needs at the time.
It could also be a personal drive, you might want to have a Personal Digital Transformation Drive.

SCA: How does one develop a digital transformation strategy?

Foluso: I will use the workplace for this. A Digital Transformation Strategy at work should start with the organization’s strategy/direction. Based on this, you can start looking at where you are and where you are trying to go.
For instance, the Digital Transformation Strategy (DTS) may be to automate processes at the workplace. To do that, you have to work with the stakeholders of the Unit/Department to determine the current state and determine how to improve. It must be done together.

SCA: What are the biggest obstacles Digital Transformation programs run into?

Foluso: Not getting the buy-in of employees. Lack of Expertise to Lead Digitization Initiatives. Lack of Overall Digitization Strategy. BUDGET!

SCA: Where should businesses start with Digital Transformation (DT)?

Foluso: Start with the overall company strategy and how DT can enhance that. I always recommend starting with the quick wins! Things that can be done quickly to show everyone what exactly Digital Transformation is all about and how it truly improves their lives!

SCA: What are the barriers that can block the path to Digital Transformation?

Foluso: One huge barrier is people. When working on any sort of project, one must be very intentional about carrying the right stakeholders along, if not it can destroy the project.
The first step is being aligned with the overall strategy of the organization. As I mentioned earlier, if you do not carry the key stakeholders along, the plan/project will fail.
When you are well aligned with the company strategy and have your stakeholders on the same page. You have to determine where you want to start, there are so many different levels to a Digital Strategy Plan. It encompasses so many things.

SCA: Are there basic steps to write a digital strategy plan? What are the steps?

Foluso: There are different Digital Strategy plans you can develop. Is it for IT in your organization, Communications, Social Media, etc? Whatever it is for, start with defining your goals, stakeholders and a way to monitor/measure.

SCA: What are problems digital transformation is intended to solve in businesses, career or personal life?

Foluso: DT can solve a myriad of problems. For instance, digitizing your documents and saving them on the cloud could save you a whole lot of stress when you need to access those documents. Scheduling problems are also solved using DT and much more.

DT helps greatly with cost and time savings.

SCA: When and how should one plan a digital transformation career-wise?

Foluso: Honestly, for me using digital transformation is all about solving daily problems with digital tools/tech. It takes being a problem solver and a quick thinker.

Thank you to everyone who followed this tweet chat. We are glad you have learnt a lot from Mrs. Foluso(@FoofG).

Foluso: Thank you so much! It was an absolute pleasure.

SCA: You can also tweet what you’ve learnt using our hashtag ‘#SCATweetChat’. Do follow us for more exciting series of #SCATweetChat

