The starter pack to land your next (tech) role in 2022

Olamide 'Pearl' Makinde
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog
3 min readDec 2, 2021

To land your first or next role in tech, you must ensure certain things are in place. If it’s on your list of goals for next year, the time to start is now; make sure to read this till the end.

1. Brush up your skills

To first qualify for a role, you should be skilled in the said area. Take courses, attend training, read books, or watch videos to help you get better at what you do. Take challenges to test your skill and find out where you need to focus on.

2. Know what you want

What kind of role(s) are you looking for? What do you expect from your next position? Where do you want to work? All of these questions and more should be answered in this stage. Here, you’d need to write out your skills and roles they could be suitable for. Research extensively on different jobs in your desired space. Check for the expertise levels and salary range for them to prepare.

3. Curate and tailor your resume:

More often than not, your resume is usually the first document that’ll be requested when applying for a job. When writing your resume, ensure that it’s concise and captures your experience and learning. A resume should contain enough to intrigue the recruiter within the first forty-five (45) seconds of reading it.

It’s okay to have more than one resume, especially if you’re multi-skilled or looking for different roles. Just make sure that each resume contains only experiences relevant to the position it’s meant for.

Remember to never lie on your resume too. To learn more about what your resume should convey, read this.

4. Write your cover letter:

Yes, you can find samples on the internet or from friends, but make sure you make your cover letter about yourself, the role, and the firm you’re applying to, not anyone else. Use your cover letter to try to convince the recruiter that you are a suitable candidate confidently.

Also remember to tailor your cover letter to the role you’re applying for using the job description as a guide. However, do not make it too long or boring. Just focus on what’s important and move on.

5. Create a portfolio:

Work on projects from time to time as you learn and grow and compile them in one place-your portfolio. You can create fictitious problems and develop solutions to them in your portfolio. Make sure to put your best out and be creative and innovative about it.

There are free platforms with templates you can host your projects on, or you can create one from scratch. Your portfolio is proof that you can do the job for your recruiters; put your best into it.

6. Prepare for your next interview:

Highlight your core values, personal experiences, and interests; it’ll help you answer the “tell us about yourself” question. Asides from this, relate your past experiences/events to the role you’re applying for and incorporate them when talking about why you think you’re the best fit for the job or why you want to work there. Speak to people in similar roles to ascertain a reasonable salary range for the position, so that you do not sell yourself short. Engage your interviewers and ask one or two questions when necessary.

Several platforms help you prepare yourself for job interviews, like LinkedIn. Endeavour to be truthful in all your responses, own your background and experiences.

In future articles, we’ll talk in-depth about curating your CV and cover letter. Meanwhile, read this article to empower your job search and stand out among other candidates.

Rooting for you.



Olamide 'Pearl' Makinde
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog

I kinda just like to rant here + I write tech stuff sometimes. I love hearing my readers’ thoughts; we can have a convo in the comment section, twitter, or IG.