Non-Technical Roles To Excel with In Tech

Glory Awa-Oyom
Nur: The She Code Africa Blog
3 min readJul 9, 2020
Image: Shutterstock

Kicking off this article, by first letting you know, you do not need to be a “genius programmer” or “a code panther” to create a niche for yourself in the Tech World.

A skill is “the ability to perform an action with determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both, with expertise” — Wikipedia.

In as much as you are not a genius in programming or software development, there are many other soft skills which have as much importance as coding in the tech world, You only need to be very good at what ever skill you are bringing to the table.

In the tech world, every role/skill is intertwined and highly mixed, because tech teams do not deal with functions alone but their main focus is on the product, therefore every hands on deck.

Image: Shutterstock

An example: Creating a mobile app with a team, has the team typically consisting of the Mobile Engineers, product manager, UI/UX designers, project manager etc.

Even though there remains a functional leader to whom reports are made to, each member of the team still ends up spending most of their time with other teammates, because they aren’t working solely based on role functions but also towards the success of the product.

Team formation, product development and distribution are the three sections in which tech organizations are divided into, and I will be listing some soft skills under each section that is highly required in tech organizations. , 65% of these positions are occupied by non-techies. Let’s start with :

Business Team Formation

  1. Business Operation Manager (team): This position deals with how large the market is, how fast it is growing, how to push in products, getting track of the blue print of the product before, during and after production.
  2. Human Resource Manager: This position deals with recruitment, they source for the best requirements before adding anybody on the train. They are responsible for the welfare of staff/employees.

Product Development

1. Product Managers: They are in charge of scoping out concept for the new products, working together with designers and engineers to put out specifications on what the product should do and otherwise.

2. Project Director/ Manager: often referred to as the overseer of that particular product, oversees developments, create tasks and distribute it accordingly to different specific groups, ensuring smooth development of the product from start to finish.


  1. Marketing team: Creates awareness, pushes the products into the market and makes sure sales are made, make sure there is much demand in the market as well as continuous inflow of supply, it involves creating content too.
  2. Customer Service: They provide support and is the middle man between the organization and the consumer of the products. They relate with the consumers and provide them with needed assistance. While also providing the company with feed back and criticisms from the market.

How Do I Know What Position Is Suitable For Me?

Reflect on the kind of work you’ve done in the past that’s brought you the most satisfaction. A good test is to think about a time when you were so immersed in what you were doing that the hours just flew by. Were you trying to solve an equation, lead a spirited team meeting, or something in-between?

Locate that kind of work on the spectrum above and then find its match within the tech world.

All the best!

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