The Magic of Simple Design: Creating User-centric or Friendly Interfaces

Nur: The She Code Africa Blog


What do you think about when they say a digital interface is simple yet functional? When it comes to creating a unique interface, it is important to strike a balance between simplicity and functionality. We have come across some websites that are functional despite having basic designs. Our question is whether they are visually appealing. This is why we need to find the right balance between a simple, beautiful and functional interface.

In this article, I would explain how to create simple digital designs that are easy to use and understand by providing some tips to achieve unique simple designs. I would also highlight some challenges that are faced while creating a simple design, and examples of digital brands that have simple designs that users enjoy.

Tips for achieving a simple design that improves user experience

Achieving simplicity in design is usually easier said than done. However, there are tips that can help one achieve a simple and effective design.

· Use white space: This is the empty space between design elements. It is usually referred to as negative space. White space can help with visual balance, guiding the user’s eye around the design, and even improving user experience. Although, it does not have to be white or a solid colour. You can create a clean and organized design by maximizing white space.

· Use a minimal colour palette: Making use of fewer colours can help create designs in which the colours complement each other while remaining simple. It is important to avoid using too many colours in a design, as this can cause distractions. When choosing a colour palette, it’s helpful to refer to a colour guide or colour wheel. Typically, the palette consists of a primary colour, secondary colour, and an accent colour.

· Simplify typography: Choose a simple and easy-to-read font for your design. To make your design look organised, choose a font style that matches the design of your interface. Avoid using too many fonts and styles because this can make your design look messy.

· Minimize visual clutter: To avoid making your design appear disorganized, limit your use of images, icons, and other design elements. Keep your design minimalistic by using only what is necessary to communicate your message.

Challenges in creating a simple design

Despite its efficiency, creating a simple design may be difficult. A few of the difficulties encountered while creating a simple design include:

· Balancing simplicity and functionality: We understand that creating a visually appealing design is important, but it’s also crucial that it functions well and provides value for its intended purpose.

· Overcomplicating the design: One of the most difficult aspects of establishing a simple design is avoiding overcomplicating it by including components that aren’t essential.

· Avoiding common design mistakes: To create a functional and simple design, designers should be mindful of common mistakes such as using too many fonts, colours, or images. These mistakes can make a design appear disorganized and unprofessional. It is essential to avoid these mistakes to achieve the desired effect of a simple design.

· Maintaining consistency: Consistency is key to creating a simple and effective design. It is required across designs. This can be challenging when working with different design elements, such as typography and colours.

Examples of brands that use simple designs

Google: Google's homepage illustrates a good example of a simple design. The design maximises white space which gives the platform a clean look, in addition to the minimal use of elements across the page. The simplicity of the design enables users to easily navigate the website while searching for information.

Google homepage

Airbnb: Airbnb’s website and app implement a clean and simple design that highlights the focus of the brand, which is travel and hospitality, in a way that each element in the design complements the other.

Airbnb homepage

Medium: Medium’s website is known for its clean design that emphasizes the aim of the platform which is content. Its simple design with good use of white space, clean typography, and navigation that is easy to access makes it easy to read blogs or contents and navigate the platform.

medium homepage

Canva: Canva is a software tool for graphic design in which the design of the interface is simple and easy to understand. Thus, making the platform easily accessible to everyone no matter their skill level.

Canva homepage


In today's digital world, creating a simple yet effective design is important for improving user experience. Additionally, striking a balance between simplicity and functionality is key when designing a digital interface.

To wrap up this article, we like to leave you with an invitation to join the SCA community. If you're interested in exploring more design-related topics, be sure to check out our blog for additional articles and resources. We hope you'll join us and continue to be a part of the conversation!

