Clearing Energetic Blocks to Experience Your Best Life Now

Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

Feeling lethargic? Feeling stuck? You might find yourself hitting energetic blocks that bring you to a full stop, a kind of a paralysis where you can’t move forward. The secret is that a block doesn’t mean “stop”. It means “time to clear”. So let’s talk about that.

How do blocks manifest in your life?

Energetic blocks are invisible to the naked eye. It is the outcome in your life experience that points to their existence. Blocks are stored in your energetic field (etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) and in your energy centers, or chakras. You come by them legitimately. They accumulate from life wounds, traumas, family energies, and beliefs.

Blocks typically reveal themselves at the point you have a desire or aspiration. You find yourself getting enthused, but within minutes, you have talked yourself out of the whole idea or effort. For example, you might have a project or relationship you’d like to initiate. You get excited about the idea because it resonates with you. It makes you happy. Without the block, you might start the project or reach out to the person. With the block, however, you start to rationalize, explaining to yourself why it won’t work, why you’ll likely be rejected or fail, why the pain of rejection or failure will be too much for you. If you leave it there, then you don’t venture to the source of the block and nothing changes.

What is a block?

A block is the experience of at least two opposing desires. For example, you could express your truth to a loved one or a boss, but you won’t because you’re afraid of their displeasure or rejection that might then threaten your sense of security. Your opposing desire is to be approved of or to get recognition. So as a result, you do nothing. If you dig deeper, however, the source of the block is that being you, expressing your truth, doing things your way — will not be accepted and you won’t be loved or paid or supported. Each time you get close to your own truth, you touch that wound. The risk of loss and abandonment is too great, and as a result, you pull back and do nothing.

We all want to step into our best lives. Sometimes, however, we use practices such as mindfulness or meditation as a way to better endure our current situation. We’d rather find a way to tolerate what we have than risk making changes to step into all that we are. We then reach the crux of some core beliefs: if we heal, we’ll lose the ones we love, we’ll lose our job, we’ll be without a means of support. All of these reflect the belief that we are not loved or accepted for who we are.

How can we heal these blocks?

When we choose to heal those imprints of rejection, abandonment, lack, and withholding, we have a chance to step into a better life experience. We start to draw in and attract people and situations that are aligned with who we are.

Clearing blocks in your field will change your life. You’ll feel like you’re stepping into a new way of being. You have the liberty to take action, to step into a desire, to trust your instincts and ideas, to initiate a project, to reach out to someone, to go on an adventure, to become the one you were always meant to be. You allow yourself to get excited and stay excited. You experience a healthy energetic hygiene, no longer blocking yourself from your potential. You draw in new relationships and work that resonate with you, appreciate you, and support you.

Who can help me clear these blocks?

A transformational healer can help to clear the energetic blocks that prevent the fullest expression of your health, abundance, and life purpose. A powerful combination of intuitive gifts, coaching, and high vibrational frequencies will help you shift into living your best life. The results are profound.

Leslie Fonteyne, an energetic healer and transformation catalyst, works with these high vibrational energies to remove blocks, toxic patterns, astral debris, cords and other interferences in your energy field. The result is your ability to step into the full potential of all that you are.



Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy

High vibrational energy healer and transformation coach. Blasts through blocks and interferences to experience your full potential.