Energy Blocks: What They Are And How to Clear Them

Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2021


Our energy field is made up of several “containers” that store energetic imprints, histories, wounds and agreements. These include our chakra column, our auric fields (physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) and even our inner child, to name a few. We all want to enjoy an expansive and abundant life; however, energy blocks can get in the way of that experience, damming up the flow of energy, holding back our manifestations. A block can show up as a double bind, a painful emotional wound or an energetic agreement that prevents us from living to our fullest potential. We feel stuck, unable to change our circumstances and move forward.

How can you know if you have an energy block?

You can almost “feel” the block. It may surface when you have a decision to make, for example. You really want to choose for your highest good, but a block in the form of fear may be inhibiting you. You may fear losing something or someone valuable (love, job, security, finances , etc.) if you go forward with your desire. When you dig deeper, you uncover the root cause of the block, which is often an old wound or energetic “memory” that reflects loss, deprivation, or abandonment. This imprint can be released and healed.

What circumstances point to a block?

Life is about continuous healing and transformation. We have desires and aspirations we want to step into and when a block arises, it presents us with an opportunity to heal. Nothing is accidental as we step into our best lives. Here are some ways the block reveals itself.

You might be avoiding something important

Whether you are experiencing a difficult time financially, professionally, personally, or with your health, there is a likelihood that you have been avoiding a decision or action for some time. While facing a difficult situation is never easy, avoidance and procrastination only prolong the matter and can even make things worse.

For example, if you’re avoiding a conversation with your boss or loved one, or you are afraid to ask for what you need, there is likely a block that indicates that if you do this, you could get fired, lose your loved one, go broke, etc. The avoidance can even show up in your energy field as something physical (headache, body tension, insomnia), as emotional (depression or anger), or as overall “stuckness” — just not able to make a move or decision. Uncovering the underlying issue enables you to identify the block so that it can be cleared. The result? A tremendous new ability to step into abundance and confidence. You trust the guidance that comes to you, as well as your ability to pull it off.

You might be overworked or stressed

Are you managing dozens of projects, priorities and personalities at a time? Do you tend to overload or overschedule, handling everyone else’s needs before your own, putting your own life on the back burner?

This is another form of avoidance. Rather than allow you to step into all that you are, this block keeps you continually stressed, busy, uninspired, irritable, and exhausted at the end of the day. Going to the source of this overload reveals fear of finances, security, and support from others for who you are.

You have been avoiding self-care practices

Self-care is essential to a balanced and abundant life. If you find yourself making unhealthy food choices, refusing to exercise, or staying up all night, distracted by work or your phone, chances are you’re stuck, afraid to take steps to create the life you desire. This can show up as a form of dread, a fear of looking at your life as it is, seeing where you have settled for situations you do not want, that are not aligned with you. When you notice this avoidance, look deeper to see what in your life is making you unhappy, where you’re settling, where you fear change. You can choose to clear the block so that you can change.

You might be holding onto a negative energy

Anxiety, fear, anger, guilt and regret — these are some familiar expressions of negative energy, pointing to an energy block somewhere. Even when you experience a successful outcome, you may still have trouble believing that something ‘positive or good’ could really happen for you. Or that the other shoe is not going to drop. Or that you’ll meet with disapproval, loss, or lack of recognition. You can continue to cycle the same energy throughout your life if you’re not careful. Clearing the blocks that hold these patterns in place enables you to shift your experience.

How can an Energetic Healer help you?

First, an Energetic Healer is a transformation guide who can help you get clear on your soul essence and purpose in the world, connecting you with your desires and passions.

Second, with laser-like precision, they can help you identify the blocks and interferences in your energy field that prevent you from living your fullest life and manifesting all that you are.

As a healer and transformation catalyst, Leslie Fonteyne uses her connection with the Archangels, Higher Self, and Ascended Masters to remove blocks, toxic patterns, astral debris, cords, entities, and other interferences in your energy field. The result is your ability to step into the full potential of all that you are, unhindered by energetic blocks.



Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy

High vibrational energy healer and transformation coach. Blasts through blocks and interferences to experience your full potential.