How to Manifest Your Intentions and Desires

Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2021

If we’re intentional about the new year, we may mark it with a review of the prior year and set intentions for the energy and atmosphere of the upcoming one. While that can mean new directions, decisions and opportunities, we may feel ourselves dragging forward some unfinished business from the past year. These energies, priorities and patterns can dilute and even deflate our aspirations. The way we might notice this happening is in the way it feels when our new ideas encounter old priorities: they fizzle and we give up. Many of us quit our new year’s intentions after a month or so because it feels like we’re pushing a boulder uphill. We’re holding on to old energies, yet trying to move forward with new ones at the same time. We push and pull for as long as we can, almost fighting ourselves, then give up.

We don’t hold on to the old to deliberately sabotage ourselves. The releasing of old agreements, priorities and blocks can feel unsafe, even a formula for failure. Our habits and patterns (who we’re with, where we live, how we feel, where we work, how we think and see the world) have familiarity and comfort. We know how they work. Changing it up and embarking on the unknown can feel uncomfortable and even bring up some fears. Memories of past perceived failures can stop us from trying again.

It is a part of the soul journey that we heal and shift old wounds and blocks along the way. Instead of pushing boulders uphill, we want to flow as we affirm our desires and aspirations. Some will unfold quickly; others may take time and planning; even others may require that we clear the energetic debris from our past. If we’ve been stuck a long time, it may be hard to face some of the old patterns and thought forms that have kept us comfortable and justified in our inaction.

Turning our aspirations into manifested reality takes conscious awareness. We want to notice when we deflate or have self-defeating thoughts and justify our current situation. With this awareness, we can deliberately invoke higher vibrational energies to help us identify the block so that we can clear it.

Every aspiration begins energetically. Let’s give ourselves the time and space to create the most resonant energetic environment for ourselves, so that we can enjoy our lives in the new year.

How do we do that?

Our desires are not accidental. Whether they are related to work, home, relationships or adventure, they resonate with who we are, aligning with our soul essence. They give us genuine joy and excitement. So with the desire, we need to turn our energy in the direction of the desire, to say yes. We create energetically first. Throughout the day, several times a day, we affirm our desire as if it has already been created. Energy comes first, manifested form follows.

As we continually affirm our desires, we may encounter discouraging thoughts or difficult emotions. Action may be required. Motivation may wane. We may not think we are capable or that we can afford the luxury of a desire. We may receive guidance but do nothing with it. We may hit blocks that prevent us from aligning with the manifestation of our desire. This is where the healing comes in. During these focused meditative moments, we can invoke higher vibrational energies to support us in the direction of our desire.

When we find ourselves stuck, we must go to the source of the block. We may identify a belief, feeling or old wound that asserts its reality over our perspective, that tells us what is and isn’t possible for us. To successfully overcome the block, we have to intentionally choose to remove it, to heal it, to shift.

Our wounds, beliefs and blocks are embedded in our energy field. When we bring in the higher vibrational energies and choose to heal these blocks, we shift into possibilities. Now, when we get guidance, we take action. When we encounter a fear of failure, lack or abandonment, we don’t wallow or come to a full stop. Rather, we again identify the block, heal it, then continue forward. We may not know entirely how it will unfold, but we maintain that energetic resonance and excitement with the desire. This is how it happens.

Transformation enables us to create the fertile energetic environment for our manifestations and desires. As we upgrade our energetic hygiene, we draw in and attract all the components of our desires and aspirations. And then we can do and create greater and grander desires.

As an energetic healer and transformation catalyst, Leslie Fonteyne uses her connection with the Archangels, Higher Self, and Ascended Masters to remove blocks, toxic patterns, astral debris, cords, entities, and other interferences in your energy field. The result is your ability to step into the full potential of all that you are, unhindered by energetic blocks.



Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy

High vibrational energy healer and transformation coach. Blasts through blocks and interferences to experience your full potential.