Still Reeling From the Energetic Clearing?

Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy


When I work with you to clear old and challenging energies from your field during an energetic clearing session, I am working at a high-vibrational frequency with amazing Ascended Masters, Light Beings and Archangels. You may feel yourself processing for days afterwards. That is not unusual, so here’s some reassurance.

It takes time for energy to integrate into the physical. It moves faster in the non-physical (spiritual) realm. So, while our spirit has done the work, our physical form gets busy with the integration, which takes a bit longer.

As you continue this releasing, you might feel a lot of emotional residue (sadness, even anger) and fatigue. You wonder, “What is going on? I thought we cleaned this up and got rid of it!” I compare it to a hand that has been frozen from the cold. Your fingers are numb. You come into a warm space and as you start to get your feeling back, it hurts. Then a few minutes later, you are all right. The pain is gone. That is what it is like with energetic clearing.

Of course pain doesn’t have to be part of the process, but over 200 or so lifetimes, we have accumulated old agreements, compromising energies, past-lifetime and ancestral line trauma, cords and debris. We also clearing toxic karmic patterns, another type of work that can have a profound impact. Perhaps we didn’t do enough clean-up until now, so the burden is on us in this lifetime to do the heavy lifting. Some of us have very dense fields and it can be challenging, with so much to do.

Every time we do this work, we shift our vibration, transform our energy field, and become a beacon of light for everyone in our satellite of loved ones, acquaintances, colleagues and even strangers who encounter us (you know that look! It’s that bright light thing. Sometimes it is a look of recognition — you are one of my tribe!).

We want to be careful who we go to in terms of practitioners. It is important to make sure they properly close up our field, put healing on our wounds, and fully protect us. This is psychic surgery and we must not leave our field open. If you have any concerns, and find yourself in a bad state, I hope you’ll reach out to me.

Whenever we clear and shift, we step into a new way of living, each and every time. And, we do get better at it. I remember feeling terrified when it seemed my clearing was going on for days after a session. Now I know what is happening and I don’t have to worry that maybe I’ll never come out of it!

Some of us wonder why things we thought we had completed are surfacing again. These are powerful energetic times. Earth energy has shifted. We are shifting. As we refine our vibration, deeper wounds from the past and prior lifetimes surface. We can handle it. We signed up for it. It’s part of our ascension processing, integrating these higher frequencies into our field so we can be the light of the world.

What has your path been like? How are you doing? Let me know if you need help.



Leslie Fonteyne
Sheer Alchemy

High vibrational energy healer and transformation coach. Blasts through blocks and interferences to experience your full potential.