Black Friday and Cyber Monday — can you really earn from shopping madness?
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017

Behind us are great shopping holidays, that based on very aggressive discounts and rapidly growing profit. These two, unique opportunities, for all fans of thrifty shopping are only 3 days apart. It’s no wonder that many sellers combine them together and start a shopping marathon — so we did.

We don’t even know any store, that didn’t take any discount action these days when prices are dropping record low and you still can earn extra money. So we also decided to give favorable discounts to our customers for using Sheetsu and attract new people who would like to test our product at a bargain price. The hottest sales reached up to 60%.

We started to announce to our consumers about bargain prices quite late — just before sales. The first action we took, was sending e-mails to our contact database, everyone who has even signed up for a free trial. The customers received e-mails on Wednesday, Friday and finally on Monday.

Sheetsu newsletter.

We also changed the banner on the homepage and designed new graphics for pricing. Then we turned on the follow pop-ups by Intercom on — that allowed us to communicate with people who were browsing our website and displaying messages with a discount. The mention about us also appeared on the websites: and .

The following pop-ups.

What happened?

At the beginning, we assumed that our profit will be 3x on a monthly scale. We only managed to double, however, every cloud has a silver lining. We also learned some important things which we will certainly use the following year.


  1. First of all, our promotional campaign appeared definitely too late. We should inform our customers in advance, since as we all know, prior to every holiday, the boxes are sought after by offers from various industries. Even if we do not get into SPAM, our messages are surely lost among millions of others.
  2. As a SAAS we should concentrate more on the Cyber Monday and extend sales for a couple more days. Friday’s holiday is more focused on stationary stores that want to sell goods at all costs.
  3. We need to expand our marketing activities with additional channels like or other software website offering them something special e.g great discount after finishing the course. We can’t forget about the buzz marketing.
  4. On Facebook, we’ll try and aim to reach people who share characteristics with our target audience. So we’ll create a group of ‘similar audiences’ and launch the campaign to them.
  5. Put much more content till the next Black Friday! Case studies and articles showing how to use Sheetsu for various purposes.

We can’t wait for the next Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We’ll arm ourselves with a new marketing strategy that will help us achieve our goal.

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