Boost CRM in E-commerce Enterprise by Google Sheets

Trieu Lam
Published in
5 min readJan 8, 2018

Why do we need CRM?

In the global economy where buys, sells and communicates in countless ways, many organizations spend thousands of dollars on their customer relationship management (CRM) software. There is no doubt that strong customer relationships are essential to business success. CRMs, or Customer Relationship Management systems, can be a helpful method to enhance the customer relationships and stay organized by tracking and analyzing all of the interactions with customers and prospects.

CRM tools give business owners convenient ways to keep in touch with their customers or prospects via email marketing. Keeping in touch regularly can help to keep business at the top of customers’ or prospects’ minds, increasing your potential ability to sell to them. Also, CRM is the ability to build good habits in business. When the enterprises have the most accurate possible data, they can utilize that to inform more of their decisions going forward. And if businesses are able to do that on a consistent basis, they can build good habits that are more likely to resonate with their customers and prospects.

The significance of CRM in E-commerce

When running an e-commerce company, there always has diverse audiences, sometimes they’re talking with the person in charge of purchasing, other times they’re contacting to a middle-man, people are always at different points in the sales funnel. It can get confusing to keep it all straight, which is where CRM systems can come into play. One benefit of CRM from e-commerce business is the storage of customer data on a shareable web platform such as the cloud, where several company members can view the content, see updates and track customer behavior on consistent basis. Moreover, CRM is one approach to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

Why e-commerce businesses do need to build their own CRM system? There are many benefits to have CRM software:

  • Increase your revenue per employee
  • Grow your sale efficiently and strategically
  • Manage your customer base and enhance customer services
  • Build your customers loyalty
CRM — Customer Relationship Management

As an e-commerce business, customers are the lifeblood, and essentially most precious business entity. E-commerce businesses should build up a loyal customer base and set out to execute a business development plan as well as selecting a way of effectively managing customer base in house should be a priority. CRM solutions allow businesses to log, track and utilize data relating to customer interactions. These are always related to sales and services, and CRM systems often allow business to gain deeply insightful overview of customer behavior and trends as a result of the analysis. In other words, if an e-commerce business is not using a CRM system, they are failing to understand and improve the relationships between their e-commerce business and their customers.

Google Sheets Optimizing CRM

Many companies use Google Spreadsheets to organize data such as income and expenses, sales and marketing data, and contact files for mailing lists. Connecting Google Sheets to the e-commerce CRM allow businesses to smartly track sales and leads efficiently. Most marketing departments need to gather a variety of information from the web and deliver that to sales. They need to monitor and track where that marketing data comes from so sales can use that data to make smart sales decisions and keep track of that for each customer. Integration between CRM and Google Sheets helps with this effort to improve business ecommerce content marketing in the best ways possible.

Sheetsu is a product that generates link which e-commerce CRM can use to pull from or push data to Google Spreadsheet. Sheetsu help to employ a holistic approach to CRM by Google Sheet. There are many marketing teams use Google Spreadsheet to keep their data and analysis from their company CRM. Sheetsu empowers employees with critical customer service information across the enterprise from CRM by tracking, customizing and organizing contacts with current and prospective customers through Google Sheets. With Sheetsu, marketing staffs don’t need to care about server, maintenance and bugs. Just link Google Spreadsheet through Sheetsu, e-commerce businesses can also custom to build advanced functions, connect with CRM, and turn Google Sheets into nearly-full-fledged custom applications.

Black Friday — Best chance ever for Marketing Campaign

Whether a company is just start-up or has reached to the business life cycle of maintaining a well-established customer base, it’s essential to stay updated with the most trend marketing strategies and techniques for an E-commerce business. Therefore, it’s crucial to invest in an effective website structure and updating information. For those e-commerce websites, the process to implement CRM to their new marketing campaign in some special occasions like Black Friday is complicated and inflexible. With innovation solutions like Sheetsu, using CRM also doesn’t have to be a complicated process for marketing teams anymore. By linking Sheetsu, e-commerce marketing teams can integrate their CRM to Google Sheet and customize their customer data to build an efficient marketing campaign.

Black Friday — Marketing Campaign

One of the biggest Middle East’s online e-commerce website has implement Sheetsu to generate Google Sheets from their CRM to planning their marketing campaign for Black Friday 2017. From their actual data from their CRM, Sheetsu help their marketing team to use customer contact information for targeted and personalized marketing campaigns by Google Sheets with easy access and the no-code requirement. By Sheetsu, this E-commerce website can procure winning sales and marketing strategies for their Black Friday events via customized email-marketing and other point of sale tools.

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