Hosting websites and managing content the easy way

Michael Oblak
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017
“Even cats can host websites” — Jerry the Cat

Got HTML/JS/CSS/images files? Good! Then you are literally three clicks away from hosting this website from Amazon’s S3 and connecting the simplest and most versatile CMS to it.

1st click — Upload your files to Google Drive

Move all files to the Google Drive directory.
Wait for the upload to complete.
Copy the URL of the Google Drive folder from the browser’s address bar.

Uploading website to Google Drive

Feel free to use my example website. Remember to copy it to your own Google Drive!

2nd click — Sync files from Google Drive to Amazon’s S3

Go to
Click the plus sign at the top and paste the URL of the Google Drive folder.
Click light blue “Create Page from Google Drive folder” button.

Sheetsu is now uploading your website to the Amazon from the Google Drive. After the arrows stop spinning, you will see an URL with your site hosted. You can click it, to see that your website is already live.

Hosting website from Google Drive to Amazon’s S3

3rd click — Add CMS

Click ‘Add CMS’ link (second from the left). Sheetsu will create a Google Spreadsheets file with all the texts you want to change.

It will be similar to:

Make it work on your website

Sheetsu CMS parse only tags with the


attribute from all HTML files found in the Google Drive folder. The value of this attribute is the name you will use to identify the row in the spreadsheet quickly.

So, the HTML for the above Google Spreadsheets is:

Updating values in the Google Spreadsheets

When you update values in the worksheet, they are updated live on your website. The very same moment you refresh the site. No need to re-sync anything, etc. From now on, you only need to update values in the spreadsheet.

Happy hacking!



Michael Oblak

CTO @ SmartLunch. One man coding army. Adrenaline addicted.