Fun facts about your Officer team 16.17

Ana Gabriela Popa
Sheffield Students
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017

It’s more pictures than text. Please read until the end! The end is the most important!

  1. We started the year with a referendum (Brexit) and we ended with a General Election!

2. We had three and a half Internationals on the team! (Ana — ISO — Romania, Serena — Women’s — Italy, Anna — Activities — Russia/Netherlands and Michael — Development — half German).

3. We had three An(n)a! Ana P., Anna M. and Anna B.

4. We marched through Romanian snows (in bloody April) in totally inadequate clothes for the weather (but we had the time of our lives).

5. We also started a snowball fight with some Spanish priests there. (It was all Berestova’s fault for throwing the first snowball. Then they shouted guerraaaa and that was it — full on UK-Spain war on Romanian grounds).

6. We had a drink in a Romanian brothel to comply with our sex worker friendly policy. (Actually, we entered the brothel by mistake, but we did start checking whether prostitution is legalised in Romania and we learnt a few things so it was educational I guess? No officer went disappearing in the brothel if you were wondering).

7. We have sent some of the weirdest mass emails to our staff, including a sad email about losing a black fur hat, another email about some lost mugs and another one offering shoulder massages.

8. We went in University Senate wearing Sheff Better than TEF and Prioritise our Mental Health T-shirts #takingcalculatedrisks #activism

9. Four of us visited the Parliament and we managed to get kicked out. And Paul Blomfield graced our emergency with an OK. (He actually came to our rescue in the end).

10. We launched a brand new 18 years strategy!

11. Oh, by the way, we did achieve some of our personal objectives too. Here they are, out of curiosity:

It was a total rollercoaster. Thank you to all who have supported us, guided us, challenged us and, most of all, to those who never lost their trust in us even at times when we might have lost it ourselves. None of this would have happened without you and we are extremely honoured to have played a part in the big mission and vision of the no. 1 Students’ Union in the country.

We would also like to particularly thank the extraordinary staff of the Students’ Union. We would not be number 1 without you. And as our term finishes, we promise this is not a praise but a mere acknowledgement of a reality. We are owned by our students, we create our vision having students at heart, we are challenged by our students, we work and collaborate with the University, we challenge the University, they challenge us back.

BUT, it is our staff that hold the pillars of this institution, our staff that work so many extra hours because they are passionate, it is our staff that support us in crisis situations and our staff that live and breath the values of this organisation. It is our staff that truly become our family.

We have started the year with Brexit and we have ended with a GE. We have also started the year thinking of students. We end it now thinking of students and staff. Thank you for everything.

Officer Team 2016–2017 out.

Drops keyboard.



Ana Gabriela Popa
Sheffield Students

Feminist. Likes to talk about currents affairs, liberation & identity politics, leadership training & development, self-care & other essential life stuff