Policy discussion: Twinning with the Islamic University of Gaza

Anna Berestova
Sheffield Students
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2016

The Sheffield Students’ Union has a number of policies that impact the ways in which the SU is run, ensuring the values which students think are important are reflected. Policies are reviewed every three years by the Officer team and Students’ Union Council, policies can be renewed without amendment for a maximum of three years, amended or allowed to lapse.

Any student should have a right to education no matter the political context. We consider this policy important as the twinning with the Islamic University of Gaza offers someone whose education is being stifled a right to pursue it in another country. However, we have concerns around the links between the Islamic University of Gaza and Hamas, consistently outlined in different journals and newspapers.

As officers we think that the policy Twinning with the Islamic University of Gaza should be amended to explicitly condemn the links of the Islamic University of Gaza to Hamas and the anti-semitism, as well as reflect the concerns of our students. Given the rapid change of the political context of the situation, we thought it is worth taking the policy back to the students for review.

Please have a read and hold any discussion in the comments below so everyone has access to the responses. We will be contacting student groups as well as consulting on here. We would like to have as much consultation on this and we really appreciate your feedback!

See the policy below:

Twinning with the Islamic University of Gaza

CONTACT: anna.berestova@sheffield.ac.uk

Since 2007 Israel has imposed an illegal blockade on Gaza, restricting people, goods, and aid from entering or leaving the territory. Many basic necessities, including food, medicine and fuel, are becoming increasingly scarce. Higher education has also been severely impacted. The economic devastation caused by the siege means many students can no longer afford tuition fees, whilst those that can often lack books, desks, and paper. With the crossing into Egypt regularly shut for extended periods, many are unable to take up university places abroad.

Our students should do their utmost to support the education of Palestinian students, whose responsibility it will be to rebuild Palestine.

This Students’ Union resolves to:

1. Formally twin with the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), Gaza’s largest university, and provide a physical recognition of and dedicated webpage to the partnership.

2. Lobby the university to foster links with the IUG.

3. Lobby the university to turn the current scholarship provided for a student from Gaza into an annual programme.

4. Inform and educate our students of the issues facing Palestinian students, and lobby other Students’ Unions to take similar action.

5. Work with students at the IUG to campaign against the blockade of Gaza.

Original Solidarity with Gaza policy passed by Referendum in March 2011 (1754 votes for; 959 against; 1146 abstentions). Revised policy passed by referendum in March 2014 (3905 votes for; 1763 against; 1384 abstentions). It is due for review in October 2016

Please leave any responses in the comments, thank you! Deadline for submitting responses is Monday 30 January.

