Empowering Entrepreneurs: SheFound Brilliant Accelerator Supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Tanzania

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3 min readJul 7, 2023

In a collaborative effort to promote sustainable development and empower entrepreneurs, the Netherlands Embassy in Tanzania has partnered with SheFound to launch the SheFound Brilliant Accelerator. Building upon the success of its predecessor in 2019, this accelerator program aims to address the pressing challenges faced by entrepreneurs in Tanzania, while aligning with the Dutch government’s ambitions for development cooperation.

Driving Financial Excellence:

Recognizing the importance of finance management for business success, the SheFound Brilliant Accelerator places a strong emphasis on improving entrepreneurs’ financial skills. Through specialized training, participants gain valuable knowledge in bookkeeping, internal controls, and regulatory compliance. By enhancing financial literacy, the accelerator equips entrepreneurs with the tools to make informed decisions and maintain sustainable financial practices.

Fueling Business Development:

The accelerator understands that holistic business development is crucial for entrepreneurs to thrive. To address this, it offers comprehensive support in market access, technology adoption, and brand growth. By facilitating access to new markets and encouraging the adoption of innovative technologies, the accelerator empowers entrepreneurs to expand their business horizons and unlock new opportunities.

Nurturing Investment Readiness:

Preparing entrepreneurs for investment is vital in accelerating their growth and impact. The SheFound Brilliant Accelerator provides entrepreneurs with investment readiness training, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to attract potential investors. By strengthening their understanding of investor expectations and refining their pitch, participants become better equipped to secure funding for their ventures.

Fostering Leadership and Team Building:

Recognizing the importance of strong leadership and cohesive teams, the accelerator focuses on developing these essential skills. Through leadership training and team-building exercises, entrepreneurs learn effective communication, strategic decision-making, and collaborative problem-solving. By cultivating leadership capabilities, the accelerator empowers entrepreneurs to lead their teams with confidence and navigate challenges successfully.

Emphasizing Women’s Rights and Entrepreneurship:

In line with the Dutch government’s commitment to women’s rights and promoting entrepreneurship, the SheFound Brilliant Accelerator dedicates particular attention to supporting women entrepreneurs. By creating an inclusive environment that fosters gender equality, the program actively encourages the participation and empowerment of women entrepreneurs. This commitment aligns with the broader objective of eradicating extreme poverty by empowering women to become agents of change and economic growth.

Addressing Climate Change:

Recognizing the urgent need to tackle climate change, the SheFound Brilliant Accelerator encourages sustainable business practices. Through its training and advisory services, the program promotes environmentally friendly practices, encouraging entrepreneurs to adopt sustainable and eco-conscious approaches. By integrating climate-friendly practices into their businesses, entrepreneurs contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.


The SheFound Brilliant Accelerator, supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Tanzania and implemented by SheFound, represents a significant step towards achieving the Dutch government’s ambitions for development cooperation. By providing comprehensive capacity building, technical support, and advisory services, the accelerator equips entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape. Through its focus on finance management, business development, investment readiness, leadership, and team building, the program creates a solid foundation for entrepreneurs to grow their ventures sustainably. Moreover, by emphasizing women’s rights, and entrepreneurship, the accelerator aligns with the Dutch government’s commitment to eradicating extreme poverty and promoting inclusive, sustainable growth worldwide.

