Her Business, Her Future Business: : Empowering Women Entrepreneurs for Economic Justice

Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new project, “Her Business, Her Future,” dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs and enhancing sustainable access to economic justice. Made possible by the generous support of the Legal Service Facility Tanzania (LSF), this initiative aims to create a conducive environment for women to thrive economically.

The project is proudly implemented by SheFound, an organization committed to fostering economic equity and eliminating poverty through the growth of women-led businesses.

Enhancing Access to Economic Justice for Women: At the core of our project lies the vision of enhancing a conducive environment for sustainable access to economic justice for women. We firmly believe that empowering women entrepreneurs is a powerful means to achieve this vision. By supporting women in running income-generating activities, we enable them to gain financial independence, contribute to economic growth, and overcome the barriers that hinder their access to economic justice.

Funding from the Legal Service Facility Tanzania: The Legal Service Facility Tanzania (LSF) has played a pivotal role in bringing this project to life. LSF’s commitment to funding initiatives that promote human rights awareness building, legal education, and legal empowerment aligns perfectly with our mission. Their support enables us to provide women entrepreneurs with the necessary resources, training, and mentorship they need to succeed in their businesses. Together with LSF, we are dedicated to making a lasting impact on women’s economic empowerment.

Business Development: At the core of Her Business, Her Future is a strong commitment to fostering the business development of SMEs. We understand that sustainable growth requires a solid foundation. Through comprehensive training programs, workshops, and mentoring, we empower SMEs with the knowledge and skills needed to refine their business strategies, identify growth opportunities, and effectively navigate challenges along the way.

Finance Management: Effective finance management is the backbone of any successful business. Her Business, Her Futureplaces a strong emphasis on equipping SMEs with the financial literacy and management skills necessary to make informed decisions, optimize cash flow, and drive profitability. Our experts and mentors work closely with SMEs, providing guidance on budgeting, financial planning, and accessing funding opportunities.

Business Digitalization: In today’s digital age, embracing technology and digital solutions is crucial for business success. Her Business, Her Futurerecognizes the importance of business digitalization and provides SMEs with the tools and knowledge to leverage digital platforms, online marketing strategies, e-commerce, and other digital resources. By harnessing the power of technology, SMEs can streamline operations, reach wider audiences, and enhance their market presence.

Market Access: Accessing new markets and customers is essential for sustainable growth and competitiveness. Her Business, Her Future facilitates market access for SMEs, connecting them with potential customers, industry networks, and business collaborations. Through targeted marketing strategies, networking events, and industry partnerships, we aim to empower SMEs to expand their customer base and seize new opportunities for growth.

Profitable Growth and Market Competitiveness: The overarching goal of Her Business, Her Future is to empower SMEs to achieve profitable growth and become competitive in their markets. By providing them with comprehensive support in business development, finance management, business digitalization, and market access, we are laying the foundation for their success. We firmly believe that when SMEs thrive, they contribute to job creation, economic stability, and overall community development.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Through Her Business, Her Future, we strive to empower women entrepreneurs by equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and networks necessary to thrive in the business world. We believe that when women-led businesses succeed, entire communities benefit. By fostering profitable and impactful growth among women entrepreneurs, we can contribute to a more equitable society where economic justice is accessible to all.

Conclusion: Her Business, Her Future is more than just a project; it is a movement towards economic justice for women entrepreneurs. Through focused efforts in business development, finance management, business digitalization, and market access, we are equipping SMEs to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and succeed in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey towards empowering SMEs, fostering economic growth, and building a more vibrant and competitive business community. Together, we can unlock the potential of SMEs and shape a prosperous future for all.

