Develop your own leadership style

SheFound Business Hub
3 min readFeb 6, 2021

E-learning session by WE EMPOWER — G7

Target: women leaders

Deadline: 9th Mar 2021

Reward: Learning

In the midst of a global pandemic, we find women on the front lines everywhere, as heads of government, legislators, healthcare workers, community leaders, and more. Although women’s organizations and community groups shoulder much of the responsibility of preventing the spread of the virus and serving those in greatest need, they are perennially left out of decision-making processes.

Women remain significantly underrepresented in all aspects of decision-making. To address this, we need a systemic approach with the international and national community taking action that foster inclusive gender norms, while providing women seats at decision-making tables.

The learning session Develop Your Own Leadership Style will seek to better understand the unconscious biases affecting women and girls’ participation in decision-making processes, how to overcome systemic and personal barriers, how to identify and manage your own leadership style and understand the impact for career and personal growth.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.


Marily Mitropoulou — Senior App Growth Manager, Google

Marily is a Marketing Consultant working for Google in Dublin for the past 7 years. She holds a BSc in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business and an MBA in Hospitality Management from EAHM Dubai in academic association with Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne.

She guides businesses on marketing strategy, customer service, interview-hiring of personnel, website design & user experience. She is also involved in diversity, equity and inclusion projects. She is a facilitator for the #IamRemarkable and Women Will workshops of Google. She volunteers to empower women and underrepresented groups and to raise awareness on unconscious biases and inclusion in the workplace.

She is practicing meditation and she studies to become a pilates instructor. She adores reading & travelling in order to explore further her favorite subjects.


This session is a collaboration between WE EMPOWER — G7 Programme and WomenWill Programme.

Women Will is a Grow with Google program making an impact in 49 countries, supporting women’s economic potential through digital skills and community building.

Promoting Economic Empowerment of Women at Work through Responsible Business Conduct in G7 Countries — WE EMPOWER — G7 Programme — is a programme funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UN Women and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The WE EMPOWER G7 Programme convene multistakeholder dialogues in the EU, Canada, Japan and the US to exchange knowledge, experiences, good practices and lessons learned in the context of the changing world of work..


WE EMPOWER — G7 Programme brings to its stakeholders and friends a series of learning sessions to help them learn new skills that is amongst the top requirements on today job market. By learning these skills and their application, they will get more confident in their ability to participate in interviews, new job search, progress in career.

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