The Plan is the Door, Execution is Key

Vanessa Kisowile
SheFound Business Hub
3 min readNov 3, 2020

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. — Gloria Steinem

Nothing in this life moves unless it’s moved, for any woman out there looking to start a business and embark on the entrepreneurship journey, you need three most important elements.

Imagination, Strategy and Execution.

I know I always talk of commitment, grit and tenacity, yeah you need them, as your character but for things to move you need those three. They are your engine, your tires and your maps.

Dreaming and Imagining

Everything great starts with the strength and the depth of ones imagination and strong belief in the magical destination nobody sees and sometimes or actually most times nobody believes in.

It’s the imagination that takes us from the bottom of the pits of our own miseries to the position where we can see the cracks of new possibilties and the light of the new future.

There is alot of motivation in dreaming big, the world is full of that as much as the dissappointments, the challenge is that the world doesn’t tell us that that dreaming or imagining is not the destination nor the answer, it is just the tip of the iceburg.

Dreaming is the first step to the greatest you ant to see and become, the question is what is next?

Photo from pexels.


No journey leads to a destination without a clear route and clear identification of the needs you might need along the way to make your journey bearable.

Indetifying the kind of business you want to start is all good and well, having the passion for it is a plus but for you to make any further steps you need to have clear strategy.

You need to do your market research, understand your customers, know the circumstances in which you are starting your business and understand your political and financial environments in which you are looking to operate.

Then take another step.


Now, there is a growing trend that is not necessarily good of entrepreneurs running to fundraise before they even do product/market fit, in other words you are still in the dreaming stage and you want someone to finance your drive towards the unknown without even packing what you might need along the way.

I’m a personally not encouraging this, unless other wise if your business really requires investment to produce the product. I’m being very specific about the product because if your business is service oriented, you don’t need to do fundraising at all especially not from angel investors at all.

If you have no even starting capital, I would advise seeking for a job that can provide you with one or seek initial capital from family and friends. And trust me it’s not a sin nor does that mean you are a failure.

The main point is you have to executive your plans, try out and get feedback on what your selling from your early customers, iterate it to a certin point and keep moving.

And in many ways it’s the executed dreams that have given birth to powerful and most impactful people in the whole world, starting from Elon Mask, to Martin Luther King, to Viola Davis, to Janice Bryant Howroyd and many more who have broken the mold of the “ Normal”.

Execution is the only way to see your dreams come true or to face the nighmares you never saw coming and learn yourself to a dram land.

Start moving now.

And do not forget you need the grit, the tenacity and the commitment to see this journey through, you owe that to yourself to seeing what the world has to offer.

Keep up with more content on business, personal growth and technology by following me on all my social medias “Vanessa Kisowile” @vanessazbliss



Vanessa Kisowile
SheFound Business Hub

Dreaming after all is a great form of planning. Founder: @itravelar @afroshefound Website: