How To Install Xen Orchestra (XOA) In Xen Server/XCP-NG

Shehu Awwal
Shehu Awwal
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020

I actually like the web interface looks like, I hope we can have some much features around CockPit, I got a server to play with recently and installed XCP-NG, And decided to install XOA on it.

It’s actually straight forward, And everything should be fine.

Installing XOA In Xen Server/XCP-NG

  • Go To: And Register and account, It’s Free And Also you can decide to Pay For Premium And Other Features, As Well.
  • After That — Login In To Your Xen/XCP-NG via SSH And enter this command:
bash -c "$(curl -s"
  • Give It some time to pull the installation Because it is going to create another VM on the Server, While doing that it will ask you to enter an IP, DHCP by default which I Press Enter and allows it to do that.
  • It’s going to give you an IP based on your network, Example mine is:
    I want this procedure to be so easy for beginners, I don’t want to make it so technical, Let me take it easy.
  • Now SSH to the IP Of The XOA — Mine is Username: xoa Password: xoa :
  • Example: ssh xoa@ And Enter Your Password Which Is xoa By Default, It will ask you to change it, Do that, And SSH again with the new password.
  • Now while inside the XOA after you’ve SSH into, run:
sudo xoa-updater --register
  • It will ask for your email address, In which you’ve registered at the beginning and password, Enter Your Login Details.
  • Now Open Your Browser With The IP: which is mine, And Login With The Following Details:
Password: admin

After that, Login And Change The Password: Settings > Users , You can add a new one as admin or change the first one.



Shehu Awwal
Shehu Awwal

Hacker — Passionate About InfoSec, Linux, Clouds, Containers, Virtualization, Distributed Systems And Architectures And New Trends.