Jessy Kanu
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018


Not everyone is for you.

In reading my devotional, I read 1 kings 5:1–12. In the scripture, Solomon had been crowned king of Israel after his father King David as prophesied. In Deuteronomy 7: 1–2, God promised the children of Israel victory over all their enemies and peace all about them. He also instructed that the children of Israel have nothing to do with the Canaanites because that would lead to their downfall. The kingdom of Tyre according to ancient history was a city settled by Canaanites. These were the group of people God had clearly warned the children of Israel to have no encounter with.

However, in 1st Kings 1–12, it was recorded that Hiram the king of Tyre (a people Ireal had been warned about) loved King David and when Solomon asked if he could help build God’s temple, he was excited. King Solomon had good intentions ( he wanted to build the Lord an alter), and the kingdom of Tyre had the men with the greatest skill in cutting Timber. To King Solomon, this was a good deal, however, working with Tyre no matter how good their intentions were exposed them to foreign goods, and sin that led to Solomon’s downfall. Lessons learnt:

1. The fact that people or someone is interested in what you are interested in, or that you share similar interest with someone does not mean they need to be part of your journey. You two might not be called together.

2. Discern properly before you go into any kind of relationship be it at work, at home, in church etc. with anyone.

3. Just obey. Although, Hiram the King of Tyre loved David and the Lord, and also had the finest men to cut timber, God never told Solomon to sign a treaty. It wasn’t the finest skill that God required; God was willing to build capacity in Israel if they had obeyed.

5. Be careful whom you share your stories and ideas with. Some people are just waiting to destroy you.

In conclusion, always enquire of the Lord before you make that seemly great move you think will change the world. Let him guide you.

Have a great year.



Jessy Kanu

I believe that with the power of Jesus Christ and a renewed mind, anything is possible.