Linked List using Python

Deeksha Sharma
Published in
6 min readApr 7, 2020

What is a linked list?

A linked list is a linear data structure to store a collection of items. The data in a linked list can be of any type -strings, characters, numbers. The elements can be sorted, unsorted. They can contain duplicate elements or all unique elements.

In a linear data structure, the elements are organized in a sequence whereas in a non-linear data structure the elements are organized without any sequence

So a linked list consists of a group of nodes in a sequence. Each node holds its own data and the address of the next node hence forming a chain-like structure. Linked list elements are not stored at the contiguous location, the elements are linked using pointers. A characteristic specific to linked lists is that the order of the nodes isn’t dictated by their presence in memory, but rather the pointers that each node has to the next node in the sequence.

Array vs Linked List

Multiple types of Linked Lists exist:

  • Singly Linked Lists — The nodes in Singly Linked Lists contain a pointer to the next node in the list.
  • Doubly Linked Lists — This kind of Linked List contains both a pointer to the next, but also a pointer to the previous node in the list.
  • Circular Linked Lists — Instead of containing a null pointer at the end of the list, the last node in these lists contains a pointer to the first node, making them circular.

Creating a Linked List

Creating a new singly linked list takes O(1) time

The linked list now looks like this (head=>12->99->37->None)

Displaying a Linked List

Displaying a singly linked list takes O(n) time

So the Linked List class now has two functions insert and display

Following is an example of the implementation of the Linked List class

Inserting a node at the start

Earlier we inserted a node at the end of the LinkedList, this function will insert a node at the start . Inserting a new node at the beginning of the list takes O(1) time

The insert function created earlier has been renamed to insertEnd which inserts a new node at the end of the LinkedList. Class LinkedList now looks like this. Inserting a new node at the end of the list takes O(n) time

Following is the implementation of insertHead method which creates a linked list as (head=>30->20->10->None)

Inserting a new node between two nodes

Takes O(n) time

Suppose we have a Linked List L1 (head =>10->20–>30->None) and we want to insert a new node at position 1 ( like an array/list in python, we will keep 0 based indexing for the linked list too) so that the linked list L1 becomes:head=>10->15->20->30->None

If position = 0 (starting position) or head of the linked list

If some invalid value is given for the position parameter like less than 0(<0 ) or >length of the linked list ( -1 or 9 in this case) it will give the output as invalid Invalid Position

Deleting the last node

Takes O(n) time

If we’ll try to delete from an empty linked list it will print ‘empty list’

Deleting a node at any position

Takes O(n) time

Here is the code for the complete Linked List class:

class LinkedList:

def __init__(self):
self.head = None

def listLength(self):
"""returns length of the list""" length=0
if self.head is None:
return length
currentNode = self.head
while currentNode is not None:
currentNode =
return length

def display(self):

"""displays the data present in the list"""
if self.head is None:
print ('Empty List')
currentNode = self.head
while True:
if currentNode is None:
currentNode =
def insertEnd(self,newNode): """inserts a new node at the end of the list""" if self.head is None:
self.head = newNode
lastNode = self.head
while True:
if is None:
lastNode = = newNode

def insertHead(self,newNode):
"""inserts a new node at the beginning of the list""" = self.head
self.head = newNode

def insertAt (self,newNode,position):
"""inserts a new node at a specified position in the
if position < 0 or position > self.listLength():
print ('Invalid Position')
if position == 0:
currentPosition = 0
currentNode = self.head
while currentPosition != position-1:
currentPosition +=1
currentNode = = = newNode

def deleteEnd(self):
"""deletes a node from the end of the list""" if self.listLength() == 0:
print ("Empty List")
elif self.listLength() == 1:
self.listLength -=1
self.head = None
currentNode = self.head
while is not None:
currentNode = = None

def deleteAt(self,position):
"""deletes a node at the specified position from the
if position < 0 or position >= self.listLength():
print ('Invalid Position')
elif position == 0:
previousHead = self.head
self.head = = None
currentNode = self.head
while True:
if currentPosition == position: = = None
previousNode = currentNode
currentNode =

Doubly Linked List

As the name suggests, each node in a doubly-linked list has two nodes: one pointing to the next node and one pointing to the previous node. Here’s the Python implementation:

class DoublyNode:
def __init__(self, data): = data = None
self.prev = None

Advantages over Singly linked list
1) It can be traversed in both forward and backward directions.
2) The delete operation is more efficient (take a look at p4 below and contrast it with the delete operation for a doubly-linked list).

Disadvantages over Singly linked list
1) Every node requires extra space for a previous pointer.
2) All operations require an extra pointer to be maintained.



Deeksha Sharma

Software Development Engineer, Theist, Health & Fitness Enthusiast