Shelf Product Update — August 2018

Tobias Jaeckel
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

In August we added inline editing to the Gem Page as well as the ability to rollback content to a point-in-time.

Revert to Point-in-Time

Back in July, we added the ability to revert content on a field level. Now, you can additionally roll back your content to a specific point in time and revert multiple changes all at once. This gives you a full version control and eliminates the need to select the specific fields you need to revert.

Restore Content to Point-in-Time

Each change on a Gem is tracked by the Shelf platform automatically. By selecting the History tab on the Gem Page, you can see all past changes.

The action menu on each entry now provides two options: Restore Field and the new Restore to Date. Selecting Restore to Date will display a summary of all the field-level changes that are about to be applied upon your confirmation.

Once changes are applied, they become immediately visible both in the content itself as well as on the History table for complete traceability.

Inline Editing

Adding content to Shelf is an important first step. Of course, you will want to be editing your content throughout its lifecycle, whether it’s by adding metadata to it, adding an improved summary or updating the main content itself.

To make this a more comfortable and faster process, editing on the Gem Page is now an inline process. Meaning, all you need to do is click on the respective field, such as the title and start performing your change.

Inline Editing of Content

When you’re happy with the change you made, confirm by clicking on the checkmark or just outside the field. If you want to keep the previous value, select the “X” to cancel your change.

Other Enhancements

Throughout August, we performed a lot of smaller improvements and bug fixes in addition to the above described major changes. Here is a quick rundown of the most noteworthy enhancements.

Content in Shelf is organized in private and shared libraries. We changed the name for what was previously titled a Group to Group Library. Also, the icons for libraries now distinguish between what is a Private Library, the Organization Library which is accessible to all users in your account, and a Group Library to which only selected users are granted access.

Another icon change is that of favorited Gems, now a heart what was a star before. If you wonder why, please stay tuned for next month’s product update.

Finally, we added a quota display for the number of View-only users to the Account Summary, accessible to your Admin users. Moreover, no more Add Content button for your View-only users, because well, they can’t create content.

More August Enhancements

There you are, a quick update on the most significant new things that hit your Shelf in August. Please don’t hesitate to send us your thoughts on the all-new Shelf. Thank you once again for supporting Shelf as you do.

Originally published at on September 5, 2018.

