Shelf Product Update — July 2018

Tobias Jaeckel
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

In July we added on-page navigation to our pinpoint accurate search, enabled field-level content rollback, enhanced our Analytics and added further customization options.

Navigate Search Results on Gem Page

Back in June, we released a whole new search experience with pinpoint accurate search across any type of content stored on Shelf, such as documents or Wiki pages. Please take a moment to read more in case you missed the previous product update.

This past month, we’ve further enhanced the search experience by allowing you to navigate the search results after opening a specific piece of content on the Gem Page.

Navigate Search Results on Gem Page

After running a search and opening the Gem Page of one of the matches, Shelf takes you to the exact location of the search result. Now, all search results are available in the sidebar of the Gem Page so you can navigate through them without having to leave the context of your content. This lets you identify the various sections that you were looking for, quickly and with ease.

Field-level Content Rollback

The content you add to your Shelf is versioned automatically. Any change you make to a Gem is recorded, and you can view those changes on the Gem Page’s History section. The recorded changes include updated files, Wiki Pages or changes such as to a title or badge.

Field-level Content Rollback

In July we added the option to roll back any particular value of a Gem to a prior version. You can do this by locating any previous version in the History table and select the Revert Field action. This change is reflected as well in the Gem’s History for complete traceability. Take note that the option to revert content is only available if you have editing permissions to the particular Gem.

More Analytics

The Shelf Analytics Dashboard is available to Admins of an account. The dashboard allows you to gain insights into how your Shelf adds value to your organization, such as by assessing user activity, most and least used content and most frequent search terms.

Enhanced Analytics

Our recent enhancements to the Analytics Dashboard include the option to view complete activity reports. Furthermore, deleted or deactivated users and content are now included in the relevant reporting periods and labeled according to the status. So, you can now gain more in-depth insights across all available reports.

Customizing Your Shelf

You can tailor various aspects of Shelf’s features according to your organization’s and also personal needs. The customization options include adding or removing sections on the Home Dashboard or adding your organization’s logo as custom branding.

Customize the Commenting functionality

This past month we added a couple of additional customization options. Now, Admins can enable or disable the Commenting feature that is available on the Gem Page. When activated, you can add fine-grained permissions for each user role to allow adding or viewing comments. Furthermore, as an Admin you can now turn on or off Gem Reminders. They’re on by default, but if you don’t use the reminder functionality, you can just turn them off.

Customize how Gem Pages get opened

Until recently, opening a Gem always opened a new browser tab as well. If you’re not a fan of many open browser tabs, you can now change this default behavior to open Gem Pages in the same window. And if you opened a Gem as part of a search, you can continue navigating the results on the Gem Page itself as described earlier in this post.

This about sums up the most notable changes to your Shelf over the last weeks. As always, thank you for your continued support and feedback. Please get in touch with any comments or questions you may have.

Originally published at on August 2, 2018.

