Shelf Product Update — May 2018

Tobias Jaeckel
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2018

Throughout May, our Product Team strongly focused on completing two new core modules of Shelf: the Analytics Dashboard and Content Versioning. I’m thrilled to announce the release of these vital enterprise content management features.


Last month, we added some high-level insights to the Account Overview which you can read about in more detail in April’s Product Update. Now we’ve released the next set of insights that provide a much more in-depth view of how you and your team utilize Shelf.

The Shelf Analytics Dashboard is accessible by all Admins of your Shelf and includes three main reports:

  • Most accessed content
  • Performed text searches
  • User activity

Most Viewed Gems

The Most Viewed Gems report provides insights into which content is most and least frequently accessed. Apart from seeing the most popular Gems, this report will also help in identifying underutilized content, and it provides direct access to the Gems for further analysis.

Shelf Analytics: Most Viewed Gems

Most Frequent Searches

The Most Frequent Searches report shows exactly how your users are utilizing Shelf’s powerful text search functionality to find the content they’re looking for. This highly valuable information can be used in various ways, such as optimizing how you curate the content of your Shelf or adding specific content to better meet the needs of your team.

Shelf Analytics: Most Frequent Searches

User Activity

The User Activity reports put light on those users that most (and least) frequently utilize Shelf to access information. You’ll also be able to identify the most active contributors that help curate knowledge for distribution across your company.

The user activity reports can be a handy tool to drive forward corporate initiatives such as change management processes, training and knowledge sharing.

Shelf Analytics: User Activity

Content History

Version control is particularly important when documents and other comprehensive content such as Wiki pages are being created. The collaborative nature of Shelf means that over time, content is potentially being updated by a number of users. While it’s typically a highly desirable situation that multiple people contribute to the same piece of content, it becomes increasingly important to be able to trace and monitor such content revisions as the number of contributors grows.

Multiple Contributors to a Piece of Content

Shelf now provides detailed insights into any changes that have been performed on a Gem. At the bottom of any Gem Page, you can switch from viewing Comments to the History view.

The displayed table enables a detailed review of the change history of the content, including access to prior versions of any Gem value, attachment or Wiki.

Gem History Table

The History table is automatically amended every time a user of your Shelf performs an update to a Gem. The change is recorded and apart from the actual content update includes contextual information about who performed it and at what time. The recorded changes cover every field that can be changed by a user, including updates to the title, description, the attachment or the wiki itself and of course any other meta information such as tags and the badge.

Keeping Track of Content Changes Over Time

That concludes the Shelf Product Update for the month of May. Your feedback to the additional enterprise content management features of Shelf is more than welcome. Please let us know what you think about these new functionalities and how you’re utilizing them in your teams.

Thank you, as always, for your incredible support. It means a lot to us!

Originally published at on May 31, 2018.

