— Become a source of trust

Nikki Karg
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2020

In our last post we talked about the necessity for invoice creation and how the need for a sound billing and accounting structure is slowly but continuously rising with further maturity of the DLT network like the IOTA Tangle and the ongoing projects from private and business entities.

On this basis we want to resume the blog series to inform about´s vision, immediate goals & achievements.

Trust & truth

Due to the unique features of the Tangle, being immutability, having no transaction fees and of course being scalable, one can significantly enhance the functionality of the normal invoice. With the tangle features it becomes a reliable source of truth. By following compliance rules and with additional integration of standards, as the likes of eCl@ss, unified Identity and many other essentiel extension layers the IOTA foundation and others are working on, it becomes a source that everyone understands and ultimately trusts.

Invoice as an oracle

With the mentioned information, an invoice can be seen as a type of an oracle ( an information beacon ), from which further business actions can now automatically be triggered. It becomes a living document actively taking part in the supply chain and information sharing process throughout the vertical markets. For example, one can share selected invoice data with partners to enable factoring or trigger further valuable services needed throughout the business.

The platform has the goal to enable such functionalities and more to create a trustful invoicing & accounting service on the tangle with the focus on privacy.

How far are we?

With our partners we test an initial form of the IOTA payment invoice service including an invoice generator. With these two building blocks, developers can create invoices triggered by any kind of purchase made with IOTA as the payment method.

We are actively searching for more pilot projects in the IOTA ecosystem, wishing to talk about their needs in handling invoices and accounting and to generally receive feedback about our services.

And of course to get your prototype up and running!!

