— Beyond Payments

Nikki Karg
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2020

During the last few months it has become apparent that an ever expanding ecosystem is being built upon the Iota network with use cases ranging from marketplaces, automotive, supply-chain and community projects wishing to trade goods & services. More and more renowned and trustable entities are discovering and actually utilizing the properties of the tangle in their business or proof of concepts.

The main focus in any new endeavor is cutting down on complexity, simplifying methods “relieving pain”, reducing cost and ultimately generating value with new business models. Since many of these business models are built around the feeless, scalable and immutable IOTA technology, any entity has to interact with exchanging value “money” between the various entities, buyer & seller. The payment process can be seen as a necessity and is not met with negative emotions, but this can escalates quickly when touching the compliance, taxation and accounting layer. These areas are unavoidable for any business or private person wishing to trade and must be addressed.

At the start of any projects these topics will not arise for entrepreneurs, makers or companies building a proof of concept, but will inevitably come into play in the long run. As an innovator you want to focus solely on the product and not tackle the tedious and complex topics of handling payments, invoice generation, accounting, audits, taxes and being generally compliant to state regulations.

This is were Shelli comes into play:

Shelly wants to provide anyone, coming into contact with IOTA payments, with an easy to use and integratable invoice and accounting tools.

Our goal is to free the IOTA community from the burden around the topic of compliant payment, invoice generation and accounting, so that one can focus entirely on their prototypes!!

Follow us and we’ll keep you updated on out progress.


If you are interested in helping or wish more information, do not hesitate to contact us!

