10 Encouraging Quotes for Men

Philosophy for hard times.

Leon Macfayden
Shelter Me


Photo by Thiago Barletta on Unsplash

Being a man is always difficult. However, in the modern world, it seems harder than ever.

For me personally, it took until I was 40 years old to feel at relative peace with myself and my place in the world.

So many other men have struggled in the same ways as I have — to fit in, to tame their natural aggression, to show their sensitive side, to be vulnerable yet strong.

I decided to compile a shortlist of timeless quotes that have helped me through some of my darkest moments in the hope that some will resonate with you as well.

1. “A great man is hard on himself; a small man is hard on others.”


2. “Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

John Wooden.

3. “It is the task of a good man to help those in misfortune.”


4. “To have become a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered.”

Oscar Wilde.

5. “Nice guys may appear to finish last, but usually they are running a different race.”



Leon Macfayden
Shelter Me

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