Can You Live by Grace Without Religion?

Can a non-believer discover that mysterious, spiritual essence within themselves?

Agents of Change
Shelter Me


Photo credit: Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

By Tod Evans

“All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Grace is often spoken of in the same sanctified breath as God, exalting it as something supremely special. Traditionally, we thank God, believed to be the Creator of the universe, for the gift of grace. It’s customarily considered as something He bestows upon us if He decides we’re worthy. The old patriarchs say that grace emanates from the very footsteps of God’s favored saints, prophets, and the deeply devout as if they perpetually walked amongst lilies or lotus blossoms.

If these holy ones truly carried grace as the elder teachers said, was their religious belief a necessary prerequisite? Could they have discovered something inherent within the human mechanism, akin to our DNA, that could be called a state of grace without their religious faith? Can a non-believer, with a little-practiced awareness, discover that mysterious, spiritual essence within themselves?

Some years ago, I stepped away from the belief in a separate father figure God that decreed who was worthy and who wasn’t. There are a number of issues I have…



Agents of Change
Shelter Me

A collaborative effort between “agents of change,” Good Men Media, Inc. and Connection Victory Publishing Company.