I Am Alone and Not Coping with It

And I am finally not ashamed to say it.

Simon Mouton (He/Him)
Shelter Me


Image of the author © Simon Mouton

It’s Sunday afternoon, sitting at my dining room table waiting for the rice to cook. As I kept scrolling through my LinkedIn, the itch to start writing came up. The topic burning in my mind for the last few months stretches from singlehood, the meaning of life to death itself. Very deep and dark as you can tell.

But I landed on the title “I am alone and not coping with it” as it sums up everything. So let's start from the very “partial” beginning.

Before I was officially single

So I recently purchased a home and officially moved in in March. But before that, I shared a two-bedroom apartment with a straight guy whom we’ll call Peter.

Peter was Italian and though he was straight and single, he was very comfortable with being just gay enough for me. Let me define the parameters. Gay enough for hugs and saying “I love you” before bed, but not gay enough to have actual sex. We’d do everything together. Monday and Friday movie nights together, Saturday park run and Sunday morning breakfast runs. We’d host dinner parties, and as any civilized couple, one would cook and host, and the other would clean, leaving our guests happy. To sum it up, we were like a married couple with no sex. For those reading and…



Simon Mouton (He/Him)
Shelter Me

Hi, Simon here! Operations Engineer by day. My passions include Mental Health Topics, Psychology, LGBTQ+ Topics, history, love, romance, travel, photography