Revisiting Paradise

at least in my vivid imagination

Agents of Change
Shelter Me


Photo credit: author

By Edie Weinstein

Eight years ago, at this time, I was in Paradise at the beyond beautiful Sivananda Yoga Ashram in the Bahamas. I was called there intuitively as I received an email from best selling author and speaker, Joan Borysenko about a workshop she was offering that was an instantaneous YES! for this born writer. I didn’t even need to consider it. I took the leap and took care of details afterward such as time off from work, plane tickets, and the finances to bring it to fruition. A Nestea Plunge moment if ever there was one. For those who are scratching their heads and wondering what I am referring to, back in the 70s or so, the Nestea company had a series of commercials in which people fall backward into a pool. I use that as a metaphor for a trust fall in which I lean back into the proverbial ‘arms’ of Spirit. As always, I was safely caught and held.

The retreat was called called Writing Down the Light, with this description.

“Narrative medicine is a fascinating field that recognizes the role of story and meaning in health, happiness, and wellbeing. In this weekend writing workshop led by a New York Times best-selling author known for her tender exploration of the human spirit, you have the opportunity to rewrite your own narrative and discover the vector of love that



Agents of Change
Shelter Me

A collaborative effort between “agents of change,” Good Men Media, Inc. and Connection Victory Publishing Company.