Why Your “Good” Items Deserve Daily Use

Making quality a daily habit.

Teronie Donaldson
Shelter Me
4 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Tevei Renvoyé on Unsplash

As a kid, one of my most vivid memories is of my mother’s white sofa. I remembered it because it was covered in a hard, uncomfortable plastic that would crinkle as soon as you sat on it. I despised this couch because my brothers and I never got to feel its comfort. If we ever tried to remove the plastic, we would get our mother’s wrath.

I always questioned why she would buy something you cannot enjoy. I promised myself not to do this in my life with my possessions.

We all have them: the “good” items in our homes. The good knife, the good towels, the good plates. We reserve these items for special occasions or keep them hidden away, protected from everyday wear and tear.

We know they’re of higher quality, and that’s precisely why we don’t use them as often. Instead, we settle for the mediocre, the lesser quality, and the just-good-enough in our daily lives.

But why do we do this? And how might our lives improve if we made room for quality everywhere, not just in special moments?

The Problem with Holding Back the Good Stuff

Discussing a “good item” is not just about having one high-quality item. It’s about the mindset accompanying it — the idea that certain things are too precious for regular use. This leads to a paradox: we cherish quality yet restrict it to rare moments.

The result? We surround ourselves with a sea of mediocrity, enduring the inconveniences that come with it, all while our best tools gather dust in a drawer.

The Accumulation of Clutter

Having “bad” items means accumulating clutter. We keep things we don’t need or don’t serve us well because we’re holding on to that one “good” item.

Over time, this mindset creates a home filled with things that are just okay, contributing to stress, disorganization, and inefficiency. We struggle to find what we need among the clutter, and the good items, hidden away, serve little purpose.

The Benefits of Decluttering and Embracing Quality

Decluttering is more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice that can transform our lives. By clearing out the bad items and embracing the good ones, we create space in our physical environment and minds. When we choose quality over quantity, we experience several benefits:

- Increased Efficiency: High-quality items often perform better and last longer. When you use the good knife instead of a dull one, tasks become easier and more enjoyable.

- Reduced Stress: Clutter can be overwhelming. By eliminating unnecessary items, you reduce visual and mental stress.

- Improved Aesthetics: Quality items often have a timeless design and craftsmanship that elevate the aesthetics of your home.

- Enhanced Gratitude: When you use your best things daily, you’re reminded of their value and can fully appreciate them.

How to Make Room for Quality

Making room for quality involves a shift in mindset and some practical steps to declutter and focus on the essentials. Here’s how to get started:

1. Assess Your Belongings: Go through your home and identify the items you consider “bad” or that you rarely use. This can include kitchen utensils, clothes, electronics, and more. Make a list of these items and set them aside.

2. Declutter and Donate: Once you’ve identified the bad items, consider donating or recycling them. This creates space and gives you a sense of fulfillment by helping others.

3. Celebrate the Good: Bring out the good knife, the quality towels, and the special plates. Use them regularly, and appreciate the difference they make in your daily life.

4. Adopt a Minimalist Approach: Instead of accumulating more low-quality items, focus on acquiring a few high-quality pieces. This approach is more sustainable and contributes to a clutter-free home.

5. Maintain the Quality Mindset: Keep the focus on quality by regularly assessing your belongings and eliminating items that no longer serve you. This ongoing process ensures that you’re always surrounded by the best.


The “good items” concept reminds us that quality should be a part of our everyday lives, not reserved for special occasions. By making room for quality and embracing a minimalist mindset, we can reduce clutter, lower stress, and enjoy the things that truly matter.

So, the next time you find yourself asking, “Where’s the good knife, towels, clothes, etc ?” consider throwing out the bad ones and giving yourself the gift of a life filled with quality.

Let me know how this turns out.

All the best

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Teronie Donaldson
Shelter Me

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *https://linktr.ee/Teronie