About the Author

Shem Patria
Shem Patria
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2017

‘Shem Patria’ is a pseudonym devised to negate all the proverbial ties from her old self.

She’s a person of caffeinated indulgence and recluses herself from stressful reality with arthouse films and epicurean sustenance. She writes everything her consciousness prescribes her with artisan coffee on the left and a writing device at the front. The writer also does mindless short strolls as a mental break.

With her over-bleached hair and thrift store outfits, it makes her feel like a white woman gentrifying poverty, but the truth is, that’s all she can afford. She also thinks that Yohji Yamamoto and Janelle Monáe is a god.

Away from the clutches of romanticism and worded imagery, she tries (keyword: tries) to be a coffee connoisseur by exploring third wave and mainstream coffee shops, visiting art galleries with her visual artist sibling, or discover new knowledge on second hand bookshops and outlying stores.

She also blogs about her pedestrian film life and some of her outputs by reviewing them.

Curriculum Vitae: Shem Bulaon



Shem Patria
Shem Patria

Writer. Don’t ask me where I’m going. I seriously don’t know.