Notes for “ShapeShift: Mediating User Interaction Through Augmented Shading and Shadow”

Shengzhi WU
Shengzhi’s MDes Thesis
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Dixon Lo, Austin Lee, Jiyoung Ko

The article discusses how shading and shadow affects users’ perception of an object in augmented reality.

The article proposes three ways of utilizing shading and shadowing:

  1. Localised shading change

object shading change can emphasis a part of the object, and draw users attantion to it by highlighting a part of the object. Such as adding elevation to the top button.

2. Full object shading change

Full object shading can change the overall form of a object, make it like the hover effect of a mouse.

3. Object shadow change

Manipulation of the shadow casted by objects to give them a feeling of weightlesssness.

4. Environmental shading change

USB drive filled with data sinks into table, while the empty drive sits on top.


Applications in current devices

The illusion of variable weight can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used to visualize state changes within the object. For example, when files are deleted from an external hard disk, the disk can begin to float to indicate that it is unburdened (Figure 5). This illusion can also be used to signal priority; a higher priority document can float higher on a desk for example. Variable weight can also be used to imbue objects with animalistic qualities or emotion; a floating object can be seen as happier, or less formal.


The shading currently can be used in screen based AR platforms, while since the see through AR platforms like Hololens uses addictive rendering methods, such the shadow would not be properly rendered on display. Therefore, this approach can be limited in these platforms. But similar approach of casting shadowing can also be used in highlighting objects rather than casting shadows.



Shengzhi WU
Shengzhi’s MDes Thesis

I am a UX designer, an artist, and a creative coder. I am currently pursuing my master degree @ CMU, and interning @Google Daydream.