Thoughts about thesis

Shengzhi WU
Shengzhi’s MDes Thesis
2 min readNov 1, 2018

I appreciate the design of Nest’s Thermostat, in which it attempts to blend the technology and screens back into people’s dairy environment. So the thermostat doesn’t look like a digital interface, rather the screen looks like a piece of paper.

When we talked about AR in the future, we always think about that AR should take over users’ whole environment, and trying to overlay information on top of our world as much as possible. The information displayed doesn’t make our life easier, but make it overwhelming and overloaded. As such, the question is that is it the future we would love to have?

And I am also inspired by Golden Krishna’s book and this talk “The best interface is no interface”, where he talks about how UX/UI designers nowadays tend to solve all kinds of problems by adding another piece of screen on it. And adding screens actually significantly distracts us from concentrating the task we want to finish. He suggests that best user interface is no interface, for instance, you don’t even have to take out the phone from your pocket in order to pay the bill. Designers should make the experience seamless by reducing the redundant interactions.

So I am thinking that what if the AR makes the information hidden in place, while it only shows up when it’s needed? What if we can make the AR interface and interaction less like we interact with an additional digital interface, but more like something that already belongs to our physical environment. What if the AR button, or AR slider makes user perceive the affordances exactly like what we have in our physical environment? What if the interactivity makes user feel like(using haptic feedback maybe)interact with a physical button, or physical slider, to reinforce the affordances you perceptive with our eyes?



Shengzhi WU
Shengzhi’s MDes Thesis

I am a UX designer, an artist, and a creative coder. I am currently pursuing my master degree @ CMU, and interning @Google Daydream.