Welcome to Maker Faire Tokyo and AkiParty Japan! Monthly report 2019 Aug

Explore the factory

Long time no see! I`m not able to send an email on july because of the too much trip a few weeks.
However, The time has come. This weekend we will join Maker Faire Tokyo on 3rd and 4th Aug.

I`m just preparing now, I will leave Shenzhen soon to go to Tokyo.
This is a Maker Faire Tokyo website in English, and this year you can buy ticket online by Peatix.

The other hand, Me and our community running unique dance party in Akihabara, Tokyo on 10th Aug, called AkiParty!
Please come to Akihabara on 10th Aug 4pm-9pm.
This is a dance party for Geeks, let`s make happen together.

My activity report, almost all my activity in July is join that program, called research at scale in Dongguang, Shenhzen, China.


I spend 3 weeks on Dongguang and Shenzhen, with MIT/Todai researchers and Chinese factory and Agent. I have some experience about this area and making thinks, but these 3 weeks are caused different my mindset about that. The Makers and Shenzhen have more opportunities. Making is same as research something. I still think again about that after the program, that is so huge impact for me…

Hooray! Make Magazine recovered! I write up report about the Manila Mini Maker Faire! I still improve each other Maker Movement in Asia.

Next My Trip on 2019
3–4/August Maker Faire Tokyo
10/August Aki Party Tokyo 2019
30/August Talk about some Asian Maker Faire in HK City U.
3–5/Sep Raspberry Pi Reseller event (Cambridge,UK)
6–7/Sep Brussels Maker Faire
30th Sep HK Chinese Univercity
18–20/Oct Singapore Maker Extrabaganza
18–20/Oct Maker Carnival Shanghai
↑Oh, Pity confrict. Fri Sat in SG, Sun in Shanghai

26–27/Oct Maker Faire Taipei
9–10/Nov Maker Faire Shenzhen
15th/ Nov Panel discussion on HK Art Council
Maker Faire around the world…

