See you in CES2020 US and BETT 2020 UK! TAKASU & Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community Monthly news Dec/2019

This is Takasu, really long time no see. I`m not able to send updates on Oct and Nov, This email is behind 3 months. Now I back to Shenzhen already, in this Dec I need a trip to ChiangMai and Japan, these only 2 trips are so little then last few months.

Jeffrey bring fire hat on Maker Faire Shenzhen 2019!

But I haven’t been any problem with my activity, still enjoy the trip and struggle.

I send my update to the next, I will CES 2020 from 2nd Jan-10th Jan. Because press day and save air ticket fee. My home Shenzhen is hardware capital, so rush to the load to CES, I have to escape from peak time.

And also to go Maker Faire Bangkok, that is quite nice Maker Faire there, I love it.

Then, I will go to BETT on UK, I still am leaning what is the STEM and how does STEM community.

After BETT, I will go again Tokyo and give the 2 weeks Lecture on WASEDA university about Maker Ecosystem.

If you come CES, BETT, or Maker Faire Bangkok, lets chat and take selfie with me.



Next My Trip on 2019


7–8th ChangMai Maker Party

12nd HAX Shenzhen Demo Day

12–15th 上海国際STEAM EXPO

14–15th Nico-Tech Kaga

18th Startup Lectuer in Shenzhen

19–21st Shenzhen国際電子展/IoT World

28th Our Nico-Tech Shenzhen meetup with iMakerBase

29th Beer party

On 2020


1–10th CES 2020

18–19th Maker Faire Bangkok

22–25th BETT2020 London,UK

31th Japanese Hardware Startup Summit


4th Lectur for Japanese goverment, METI

6th STEP!デロイトスタートアップ講座

5–12nd Give a lecture in Waseda University (Tokyo)

13rd Lecture for RITUMEIKAN University (Kyoto)

15–16th Mini Maker Faire Tsukuba


14th Open Source Hardware Summit (New York)

TBA lecture Hongkong Chinese Univ

