See you in NY and Singapore! Monthly Report 2020/March

Long time no see, I`m not able to send monthly reports from Shenzhen, because too much trip.

Now I`m in Bangkok, Thailand for Holiday, I enjoyed last two weeks in Myanmar and Thailand. So surprising in Yangon, I saw few so active Maker Space there. I got interested in a marker event in Yangon next 2021 Jan.

And I did 15 times lecture in WASEDA Univ in Japan. I`m an associate lecturer there, talk about Mass innovation from Shenzhen. I invite some guest talk in my lecture, you can see our friend, Jie Qi talk about MIT Media Lab / TODAI in Shenzhen and the story of her.

MIT Media Lab Shenzhen

Story of Jie Qi, (Fine) Art of Electronics

Anyway, I will be NY for Open Soruce Hardware Summit 12–13rd March. I still stay there until 17th, please meet and greet me in NY. Over there, I will be Singapore from 18th-23rd, also please meet me there.

I guess over one month April, finally I`m able to back to Shenzhen…



Next My Trip on 2020

2020年3月 March

10 JETRO 岡山 中国スタートアップエコシステムの今

14 Open Source Hardware Summit (New York)

19–21 FOSS ASIA(Singapore)

4月 April

28–30 REVULN 20x1 (Manila)

5月 May

2–3 Maker Faire Kyoto

6月 June

20–21 Maker PILIPINAS (Manila)

27–28 NT金沢 (KANAZAWA, Japan)

10月 October

2–3 Maker Faire Tokyo

17–18 Maker Carnival Shanghai

