Hope to back to Shenzhen. TAKASU & Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community Monthly news May/2020

I`m move to Japan from Singapore, at april. That two city, Tokyo and Singapore are similar situated, under the lock down next 1–2 month, but COVID-19 spreading is going down day by day. The situation is under controlled, not panic and pandemic yet.

China looks almost back on track already, Some my friend in China such as M5Stack, Seeed, DFRobot, Elecrow, Makeblock, Dobot, Elecfreaks, and the all other friends are back to Office already.

I guess I will back to Shenzhen again around June, I still work from home more 1–2 months. However, I often attend the event on online. I will join the open Meetup in Mushroom cloud Maker Space Shanghai on Bilibili, that is my first time talking on Bilibili, sounds so fun..

Hope to see you again soon, keep a positive mind, go forward to open innovation.


Next My Trip on 2020 (But so unstable)

5月 May

2–3 Maker Faire Kyoto Online

14 Mashroom Clound Open Day (Online)

6月 June

20–21 Maker PILIPINAS (Manila)

10月 October

2–3 Maker Faire Tokyo

17–18 Maker Carnival Shanghai

11月 November

5–6 STEM Coneference Singapore

the other, Taipei,Roma,Bangkok,Hongkong, Seoul, Shanghai and of cource Shenzhen.

