What we should do now. TAKASU & Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community Monthly news March/2020

This is Takasu.

I couldn`t go to Open Hardware Summit in NYC, because of COVID-19.And I still can`t back to my flat in Shenzhen, I`m in Singapore now from my last event FOSSASIA Singapore.

I heard from the friends, Currently, China is getting better day by day, even in Shenzhen. Some my partner in Shenzhen almost recovers to work already.

But so many Chinese back to China now, that is the reason why China boarder temporary closed.

I still am waiting in Singapore until an open Chinese boarder again.

Chinese tech giant Alibaba publishes the Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment in so many languages include English and Japanese.


I really respect that note in that Handbook.

This pandemic is a common challenge faced by mankind in the age of globalization. At this moment, sharing resources, experiences and lessons, regardless of who you are, is our only chance to win. The real remedy for this pandemic is not isolation, but cooperation.

Hope to see you again soon, keep a positive mind, go forward to open innovation.


Next My Trip on 2020 (But so unstable)

2020年 4月 April
28–30 REVULN 20x1 (Manila) 中止 Suspended

5月 May
2–3 Maker Faire Kyoto 中止 Suspended

6月 June
20–21 Maker PILIPINAS (Manila)
27–28 NT金沢 (KANAZAWA, Japan)

10月 October
2–3 Maker Faire Tokyo
17–18 Maker Carnival Shanghai

11月 November
5–6 STEM Coneference Singapor

