Dale Dougherty said, Makermovement is still glowing, but Maker Faire Bay Area is difficult to continue...

I heard from MakerMedia CEO Dale (And also my good friend, I still respect and big hand to him)today at a press conference in Maker Faire Bay Area.
This news is true.

The MAKER is still valuable, and maker movement is still growing. But MFBA is a bit difficult by financing.

MFBA is not so profitable event for the company. If the changing a theme for more profitable, like the AI Faire, or STEM Faire, the event will get more sponsors for continuing. But that is not at MakerFaire, mostly Maker Faire Bay Area.

And other city`s Maker Faire like NewYork and Tokyo, Maker Faire is still getting well. Their city`s Ecosystem by the makers are still increasing. But in the MFBA, fire and cyberpunk from all over the world to the San Mateo event centre, that is difficult to run the show without big Sponsor. Thus, this style MFBA is difficult to find a way.

The press conference is only 3 journalist likes me, and QA is only around 10 min. I felt that is the shadow of the phenomenon, from the Silicon Valley people`s interest to the MFBA.

In other city is different. Maker movement and Maker Faire are so valuable for people on the earth, mostly my homeland China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, but here in Silicon Valley, “Value” mean`s only the money.

Unique culture, but not so profitable for the Sponsor…..

This year MFBA is a bit smaller than last 2 years, however still beautiful. I hope to see the MFBA mind to spread in the world.

I really like this event, I came to MFBA on five times, include 3 times by my only personal wallet from Asia to San mateo.

I attached the sound file about interview with Dale, on the press conference.

