Morse Coffee

Searching for the best Avocado 🥑 toast 🍞 in Shenzhen

Brent Deverman
Shenzhen Guide
2 min readJun 15, 2020


Had a craving for Avo toast this morning and tried to find a place that had it. After asking in my WeChat moments and not getting a satisfactory answer I tried searching Dianping and Found Morse Café. After two subway lines and a cab ride later, I was ordering Avocado Toast at the counter along with a Mint Mojito. No this was not a boozy brunch but their specialty cold brew coffee cocktail.

Housemade Bagel Cafe Shop in Shenzhen

Morse Coffee is located in the A8 Performance Art Theatre. It only about 15 minutes walk from Coastal city. To produce fresh coffee beans of superior quality, Morse Coffee uses GIESEN, an internationally renowned roaster brand from the Netherland. The GIESEN roaster maximizes each coffee bean’s individual flavor to bring out intricate, complex tastes in each cup of coffee. Coupled with Morse Coffee’s strict adherence to only serve coffee roasted within 72 hours, the GIESEN roaster ensures our customers receive only the very best.

Tony Chen is the Co-Founder, Chief Roster, and Chief Barista of Morse Coffee. He graduated from Yale University with a degree in Biochemistry and has been certified by the Coffee Quality Institute as a Q-Grader and by the internationally credible Specialty Coffee Association. He can distinguish the 36 different tastes of coffee and is excited to share his experience and love for coffee with each and every person.

Address & Contact

  • Chinese Name: 莫思咖啡
  • Address: 1F, A8, Binhai Dadao, Nanshan, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区滨海大道A8音乐大厦1层
  • Phone: +86 (755) 2640 8196

Originally published at Now Shenzhen.

