Returning to that Galaxy Far, Far Away

Jon Morgan
Shepherd Community Blog
2 min readDec 14, 2015

Here is something that I’m wondering. How many people in the Shepherd area are planning on seeing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” when it comes to theaters in December?

How many people will ignore it?

I definitely fall under the first category. I already have my ticket for the very first showing Thursday night at Celebration Cinemas. You see, “Star Wars” and I go back a long time.

But, before I share my story, I wanted to invite you to share yours. How old were you when you first became interested in “Star Wars?” Was it after seeing the films? Did someone else influence you?

You can share your story by responding to this article, or posting a new article on Medium and then tagging it with “@morgaja,” and I’ll check it out. Or, email it to Either way, I’ll be reviewing the submissions and publishing the best stories on Facebook and in the Central Michigan Pulse.

And, I want to hear from both fans and non-fans. Why do you like Star Wars? If you don’t like Star Wars, why not?

My Star Wars Story

My introduction to “Star Wars” comes in two waves. I remember seeing “Star Wars” during it’s initial re-release when I was still really small. I’ve seen every movie in theaters since then. But, I also remember getting my first Star Wars toy when I was around four years old. My dad gave me an R2D2 action figure. From that point forward, I was hooked.

My youngest son, Elijah, will be three-years-old in February. He’s too young to see “The Force Awakens,” when it comes out this month, but I’m sure he will watch it on DVD, and then when the second or third sequel comes out he’ll definitely be ready to see them in the theater. I think it’s cool that he will be almost the same age as I was when I was experiencing Star Wars for the first time.

It’s also exciting because it sounds like “The Force Awakens” will take Star Wars in an entirely new direction, with a new director, and a new approach with the special effects and costumes.

Originally published at



Jon Morgan
Shepherd Community Blog

I’m excited about the opportunities which are presented to us by the Internet and Technology. I am researching different ways in which content can be delivered.