Small Steps to Becoming a More Environmentally Friendly Person

Ciara Rafter
Sheridan Lifts
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2016

The most crucial part of being an environmentally friendly business is to firstly be an environmentally friendly person

Let’s address something. Its 2016, if you as a business and as a human being aren’t at least trying to be more environmentally friendly, you should probably start trying to try. As the leading lift engineer company across the UK, we understand the importance of caring for the environment. By specialising in products that are a necessity in many buildings, such as stores, office buildings, and shopping centres, we know that we have an obligation to do the very best we can to assure our products and services are as environmentally friendly as they can be. Following the requirements set out by the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), we can promise our customers that our lift systems are as energy efficient as possible.

After years and years of our great team focusing on improving the quality of our models, we are now proud to provide the most efficient lifts on the UK market. However, eco-friendliness is a work in progress and we must always be on the ball in this fast moving environmental world. Being at the top of the environmentally friendly game is a great achievement, and it takes a while to get there, but it’s not enough to get there and simply stay there. The fast moving speed and change of our environment highlights the importance of caring about our environment. It is safe to say we could all to more, not just as businesses, but as people.

A lot of us don’t realise the impact we have as one person, but the key isn’t to work on this as single individuals, the key is to work together to improve the state of the environment. It’s not going to happen overnight, but we need to start somewhere, and we need to start now.

In order to be an environmentally friendly business, we must first be environmentally friendly people. Let’s not jump ship here and assume we know everything there is to know about everything. Slow down, take your time, and live your life in a way that will improve the environment, and it will soon become noticeable that even if nothing is changing in the grand scheme of things just yet, your passion, focus and care for wanting to improve the world you live in will count for more than you originally anticipated.

If you are feeling positive about your ability to help your surroundings, but are lost and clueless as to where to begin, this is where we come in. Here are a few changes you can make to your life that will easily and instantly make you more eco-friendly. Nothing too hard-hitting to start with, just some baby steps that are a lot more significant and important when done in action rather than as intentions and broken promises on a page or computer screen.

1. Travel habits

Learning to drive and owning a car are thought of necessities for the majority of people. We get used to driving everywhere just because we can, but cars are known for damaging our environment. Change your travel habits by investing in a more fuel efficient vehicle, or walk and cycle to destinations that are in reasonable distances. Not only will you be improving the environment, you will also be improving your health.

2. Recycle

An obvious one, and though it is improving, there are still a number of households that fail to recycle. Despite every household having bins for general waste, recycling, and compost, many of us are simply too lazy to organise our rubbish. That’s really all there is to it, so research the benefits of recycling, and you will soon realise that recycling is more important than your laziness.

3. Stop littering

Another extremely obvious one, but we did say baby steps. We shouldn’t really have to tell people they shouldn’t litter, alas it still happens, for no reason other than carelessness and not thinking about the environment and how littering isn’t as harmless as it seems.

It’s only Wednesday, if you can change these 3 simple habits this early in the week, just think about what you can achieve for your business, quality of life, environment, and world.

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Ciara Rafter
Sheridan Lifts

Trying not to miss anything whilst also wanting to write everything, but definitely writing something.