Reclaiming The Divine Feminine Will Heal Us All — If We Let It

Shani Jay
5 min readSep 26, 2018


Photo by Mango Moon Photography for Shani Jay

It has only been over the past few months that I’ve begun to learn just how fucked up the world is we currently live in.

In the West, we believe as women that we have true freedom, and that we have rights, and we are empowered.

But I’m learning that’s not truly the case.

There is a false sense of empowerment of women in the West. We talk a good talk, but we’re not much better than our Eastern neighbours.

We still live in a masculine dominated society, where everything feminine is seen as less worthy than its masculine counterpart.

This is not to do with our genders as men or women. It’s about our inner feminine and masculine qualities.

Our feminine qualities include our sixth sense of intuition, our ability to empathise, our receptiveness, our innate nurturing nature, and our ability to be connected to all of life.

These qualities are incredibly sacred, and powerful. But they have been abused by the demonic masculine energies at work in our world right now; and we have been taught to believe that these qualities are actually weaknesses. Weaknesses that will be exploited if we choose to embrace or show these too much in our lives. So we hide them, and pretty soon, we forget they ever existed.

Being, feeling, and flow, have been deemed inferior to logical thinking, taking action, and control.

Yin & yang represent true balance in life. When the world is in this balance, the feminine is integrated harmoniously with the masculine, allowing both to be equal but unique in their strengths.

But the stories of the foundations of all the world’s major religions are patriarchal, and have been suppressing women and the feminine for centuries.

I say stories, because they are exactly that — stories, penned by men who chose to embellish and omit as they pleased.

Stories that, over thousands of years, have been shoved in our faces repeatedly, and become the gospel truth.

But suppressing the feminine is not just damaging to women, it’s damaging to the entire world. Because in the process, we have isolated ourselves from nature — from the very thing we are born from.

Nature, and the sacred feminine energy, are both fundamental to the existence of the human race.

While this ridicule and demonising of the feminine has been taking place, the masculine, on the other hand, has been glorified. This has led to a total imbalance within our world, as well as within every one of us.

And with the rise of the masculine, we have bred a culture of scarcity and selfishness. A society that is fragmented, unaware that everything in this life is connected, and oblivious to the abundance that is all around us.

What we don’t realise is, without the energy of the divine feminine, and our sacred connection to nature, the divine masculine will fail.

Our world is currently run by the (masculine) man-made laws we have created, imposed, and chosen to live by. But these are no match for the immutable laws of nature (feminine), which are non-negotiable.

If we break them, there are direct consequences that we will have to face as a species.

“If it is not in you to stand up for the weakest among us, standing up for yourself is pointless.

If it is not in you to speak up for those who have no voice, then speaking up for yourself is pointless.

If it is not in you to care for those less fortunate, then caring for yourself is pointless.

What you allow to be done to others, you give permission to be done to you.”

— Lee Burkett.

Denying the feminine, is to cut ourselves off from source — from the very place we were given life from. In doing so, we distance ourselves from the source that has the power to heal and nourish our world. The source that has the power to show us the true purpose and meaning of our existence here.

A woman gives birth to life. Life is created and grown and birthed from her body. But when we distance ourselves from the feminine, and suppress her power, we deny women the sacredness of this gift.

So, what does it really mean to reclaim the feminine?

It means to recognise that everything is connected — one part of a whole.

It means to realise that everything we think, say, or do has a consequence.

It means to honour the whispers we hear in our hearts, and listen to them, even when logic tells us not to.

It means to be fully present in every moment.

“Reclaiming the feminine. It is about reclaiming our intuition, the voice that speaks in the dark. About reconnecting with the one who reveals herself in the moonlight, in the whispers of dead leaves crackling under our feet. She, the impermanent One, shining in the eyes of a newborn child and in the creases of an old man’s hands. She, the force of change. Powerful beyond measure. Forever untamed. We must accept her in the fullness of her glory, fierce and gentle, soft and wild. Only thus will we be showered with the grace of Her presence. And to do that, we must start by remembering that we are also made of flesh and bone, that we have the capacity to know by feeling, to know through this amazing body of ours.”

— The Heart of the Labyrinth

The divine feminine is rising.

She has been suppressed and abused for far too long.

Whether you are willing to accept it, or not — she will come.

She invites every woman and man to join her, as we enter a new era where balance is restored in our world.

A world where women no longer need to hide their femininity in shame, or act like a man in order to be listened to, or acknowledged.

A world where the masculine reverts back to its role as a protector of the feminine, instead of the abuser it has monstrously grown into.

