Source: Unsplash

I’ve learned my lesson

Michèl Passin
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2016


by Michèl Passin

Yesterday I read an article by Kurt Varner regarding a topic, I was thinking about since I started using Sketch – designing in 1x — but so far I never did it.

Not even 12 hours after reading this article, time had come and reality slapped me right in the face.

Currently I’m working on a really big responsive website project, including lots of different pages and variations — so one of my sketch files had a size of 166MB.

This morning I updated Sketch to version 3.8.1 — first mistake I made today. While working it crashed like every 10 minutes and I had to do lots of things over and over again. But I got used to it.

Then it was time to use the updated Mirror app. I really love what they did with the new version. The interface is great to use and mirroring via USB is more than helpful.

All in all a great update — except one thing.

It’s not working with files created in 2x. Either you see the whole artboard scaled down to fit the screen — or, if you zoom in, it’s twice as big as it should.

F***, why is it not working like it was before? Stupid update!

That’s what I thought. To be honest — while the day got on I got more and more upset.

So there was only one chance — scaling all my artboards down to 50%. Said and done. What next? Ah yes, scaling down all the symbols. Said and done.

What the hell?

After I scaled down all my artboards and also the symbols, I went back to one of my pages and had to realize, that all of my symbols had been positioned wrong. And on top of that, almost half of them were completely broken or missing.

Now I was really upset!

At that time I just closed my Macbook and left the office, knowing I would have to rebase my whole Sketch document.

On my way home, I sent out a variety of tweets, mentioning Sketch.

I thought about how stupid a company could be, to release such updates.

But when I got home and wanted to calm down I thought about it again.

It was not their fault — it was mine.

Ok — maybe it was their fault that the current version crashed on my Macbook several times — maybe. But bugs are nothing unusual. They can happen. Also I still have no idea, why the new Mirror app behaves differently, than the one before. But it makes sense!

Sketch never wanted us to work in 2x or even 3x. If you create an artboard all the presets are 1x — because the Sketch team knows it has lots of advantages. And it is the way, we all should use it. I don’t even know, why I started scaling my artboards to 2x when creating a new project — maybe it was something Photoshop taught me for years.

So here is my advice: If you haven’t done so yet, please start working in 1x. If you want to, go on working in 2x — but maybe there comes the day you will learn your lesson the same way as I did today …

I really hope you enjoyed this article and might found it helpful. I’d also appreciate some ❤ from you. Thanks.

My name is Michèl Passin and I create interfaces for web and mobile applications. I have more than 11 years of professional experience in design, UI / UX and frontend development. Apart from that, I love to spend my time as a photographer. My favourite color is white.



Michèl Passin

head of design & user experience @t-online. photographer & videographer focusing on portrait and documentary.