Entrepreneurs’ compass: User experience survey



Eureka! One day you can be enlightened as Archimedes when bathing; you may think that you have found the perfect idea to solve people’s problems and meet their needs. In the next few steps, you may need to finalize your ideas and find an investor.

For most entrepreneurs, this is how the process works. While some might find someone to invest in their idea as a result of much effort, others find an investor in the first three attempts. Then what? You turn your idea into a product or service, and you offer it to your users. We’ve come to the most exciting point! Will your users use your product or service?

At this point, you might be thinking that you don’t have enough money and time for research and on top of that the investor would want to see something tangible. You might ask yourself “Where can we investigate? I would say that without any insight into your users, it will most likely cost you much more time and money than the user experience research methods.

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