Keto Diet. It might not be too scary.

Sherwette Mansour
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2018

Here is a truth that no one would want to hear. Getting older sucks. Our metabolism gets a hit. Eating ‘healthy’ wouldn’t do the trick anymore. Gone are the days were we watch what we eat for a few days and we are back in shape.

So, dealing with this new reality of mine, I have decided to give the Keto diet a try. It wasn’t really out of the blue that I have got this idea. Thanks to the Internet.

But, more importantly, thanks to my DNA nutrition test. About a little over a year ago, I have done a DNA nutrition test, and while the report was really fascinating, I somehow kept it in my inbox with the exception of my 30 day lactose-free diet trial. That’s a story for another post.

According to my DNA nutrition test, I am really bad in burning carbs. Apparently, I convert carbs into fat immediately.

Sad truth. I know.

Recently, I have gained a tremendous amount of abdominal fat. I am kind of freaking out now to be honest. I will try to be positive though.

I have done some research and came across that Keto diet. A diet that is very low in carbs, high in fat and protein.

Hmmm… Will I be able to do that? Wait. Let me do some more research.

Ok. I like avocado, all kinds of meat, fish, mushrooms and eggs. I can live with broccoli. Chia seeds pudding is already my usual breakfast. Ok. Sounds good. I think I can do it.

But then again, what is off-limits?

Bananas. Apples. Mandarines. Grapes. Watermelon. Juice.

Yes, almost all fruit is off-limits with the exceptions of berries.

I didn’t know that all fruit has carbs!

Freaking out mood. More panic. I am scared. I can do it.

I think.

So, I started out easy because to be honest, I do have a few bananas, apples and mandarines in the fridge.

This is my third day following the keto diet with the exception of these three fruits.

Cheating. I know.

It’s a trial period. I am traveling next week for 10 days. Who is on diet on a vacation anyway? I wanted to get the taste of it before starting strict and fresh post my vacation.

Sounds good. I think.

What did I do?

I replaced honey with peanut butter.

I replaced lactose-free milk with almond milk. The coffee is not as tasty now. I have to confess.

I stopped eating all kinds of starchy carbs and healthy carbs. No potatoes. No sweet potatoes. No brown rice. No quinoa. No noodles. No carbs that I actually know about.

When I get hungry and need something to really fill me up, I eat either broccoli or cauliflower with my tuna/fish/salmon/chicken/etc.

I started adding mozzarella cheese and yogurt back to my diet. Hello lactase pills.

I started eating more seafood. Somehow, I feel it’s tastier.

So, what happened?

I am getting cranky.

Subtle headaches.

Less appetite. I feel less hungry now.

No obvious loss of any kind of weight. So far. I mean I eat an apple or a mandarine.

I have to do a lot of dishes. This commitment requires cooking my own food!

What will I do?

So far, I am taking it easy while eating those fruits I still have in my fridge.

I think I could get used to this kind of diet, and will give it a real trial post-vacation.

And, then who knows?



Sherwette Mansour

Management consultant. Abstract artist. Interested in psychology and consumer behavior… Food, travel, photography, water sports... Spontaneous otherwise.